Be Well - 31

Probiotic foods contain live " good bacteria, " which support mental wellness and aid
digestion. Examples include fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha,
sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and probiotic supplements.
Prebiotic foods contain fibers and carbohydrates that can be fermented and
digested by gut bacteria to serve as a fuel source and encourage growth of
beneficial bacteria. Examples include asparagus, bananas, green leafy vegetables,
garlic, leeks, onions, chicory, artichokes, ginger, and prebiotic supplements.
Phytobiotic foods are rich in flavonoids, which protect good bacteria and establish a
hospitable environment for the growth of good and displacement of bad bacteria.
Examples include apples, grapes, dark chocolate, and berries.

Be Well

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Be Well

Be Well - 1
Be Well - 2
Be Well - 3
Be Well - 4
Be Well - 5
Be Well - 6
Be Well - 7
Be Well - 8
Be Well - 9
Be Well - 10
Be Well - 11
Be Well - 12
Be Well - 13
Be Well - 14
Be Well - 15
Be Well - 16
Be Well - 17
Be Well - 18
Be Well - 19
Be Well - 20
Be Well - 21
Be Well - 22
Be Well - 23
Be Well - 24
Be Well - 25
Be Well - 26
Be Well - 27
Be Well - 28
Be Well - 29
Be Well - 30
Be Well - 31
Be Well - 32
Be Well - 33
Be Well - 34
Be Well - 35
Be Well - 36
Be Well - 37
Be Well - 38
Be Well - 39
Be Well - 40
Be Well - 41
Be Well - 42