Amare 2018 NutrAward BEST NEW FINISHED PRODUCT FundaMentals Pack ® The World's First AwardWinning Gut-Brain Axis Nutrition System* Includes: (1) MentaFocus (1) MentaBiotics (1) MentaSync 2018 NutrAward Best New Finished Product Submissions are judged for their merit in the following areas: viable product, emerging category, creative product concept, distinct health application, unique packaging, and matchless marketing. NUTRITION FOR YOUR GUT-BRAIN AXIS We've formulated our flagship product line based on new scientific discoveries. Each product in our Amare FundaMentals Pack is designed to strengthen and empower every aspect of the gut-brain axis.* Pack Savings! Save when you order on Subscribe & Save versus purchasing the products individually. Item Code: P001-02 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.