™ ANFPtv HOME PAGE BANNER AD THREE-MONTH PRICING MODEL! ANFPtv is a portal within the ANFP website that brings viewers engaging educational video content, organized by topic area. Feature your advertisement directly on the ANFPtv home page (which will flow through to most of the other ANFPtv pages) for superior visibility. Choose from three premium positions and two supporting positions. AVERAGE MONTHLY STATS SITE-WIDE VIEWS 7,400+/month ANFP t v HOME PAGE VIEWS 950+/month Premium Ad Sizes: Supporting Ad Sizes: * Upper Leaderboard: 970x90 * Lower Leaderboard: 728x90 * Right Rail Skyscraper: 300x650 RATE 9 Premium: $1,200/quarter Supporting: $750/quarter * Right Rail Medium: 300x250 * Right Rail Small: 300x100 DURATION Minimum 90 days ACCESS INSERTION ORDER & SPECS 9Corporate Partners receive a 10% discount on non-exclusive digital advertising options. ANFP 2024 CORPORATE PARTNER GUIDE | 13 Contact Our Team Thank You Supporters Additional Sponsorship Opportunities Event Sponsorship/ Exhibit Opportunities ANFPtv Programs Online Educational Sponsorship Print & Digital Advertising/ Sponsorship ANFP Member List Rental Market Advantage Program (MAP) Become a Corporate Partner About ANFPhttps://www.anfponline.org/docs/default-source/legacy-docs/docs/insertion-orders/anfptv-web-banner-ad-insertion-order.pdf