WEBINARS ANFP offers a variety of webinars throughout the year. Webinars are a prime opportunity for Corporate Partners looking for a targeted, highly visible sponsorship. Packages start at only $500 per webinar and can be customized to meet your marketing goals. While ANFP has an existing library of webinars available for sponsorship, new webinar opportunities will be announced as they become available in the monthly Corporate Partner promotional e-mails. Feel free to reach out directly at any time for the current availability. Sponsor a webinar and receive: * 12 months of sponsorship * Logo placement on ANFP Marketplace landing page of featured webinar * Supporting banner adjacent to video * Promotion in ANFPtv Monthly Newsletter (twice in 12 months of sponsorship) ACCESS INSERTION ORDER & SPECS RATE Starting at $500/webinar UNLIMITED CE PROVIDER PROGRAM An all-inclusive package that provides organizations with the ability and flexibility to request an unlimited amount of programs to be prior approved on demand for a period of one year. The Unlimited/Renewal Program includes new upcoming programs and covers previously approved programs to a maximum of three years. RATE $700 ACCESS CE PROVIDER FORM ANFP 2024 CORPORATE PARTNER GUIDE | 19 Contact Our Team Thank You Supporters Additional Sponsorship Opportunities Event Sponsorship/ Exhibit Opportunities ANFPtv Programs Online Educational Sponsorship Print & Digital Advertising/ Sponsorship ANFP Member List Rental Market Advantage Program (MAP) Become a Corporate Partner About ANFPhttps://www.anfponline.org/docs/default-source/legacy-docs/docs/insertion-orders/webinar-sponsorship-insertion-order.pdf https://www.cbdmonline.org/docs/default-source/legacy-docs/docs/prior-approval/ce-provider-application.pdf