Event Sponsorship/Exhibit Opportunities ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXPO (ACE) - RENO, NV ANFP's Annual Conference & Expo (ACE) is ANFP's major national event where you will have the chance to connect with CDM, CFPPs/operators, industry stakeholders, and chain/ system buyers of your products and services. Along with our popular Expo event, you will be engaged in education and networking sessions over four days, giving you the chance to spend many more hours outside of the exhibit hall with current and potential customers. The conference will engage and inspire you from start to finish! ® ACE & JUNE 10-13, 2024 | RENO, NV PROJECTED ATTENDANCE: 300+ OPERAT ORS TIMELINE/IMPOR TANT DATES Please note: this schedule is tentative and subject to change. JANUARY 31 MARCH 1 APRIL 1 EXHIBITOR MOVE-IN EXPO DATE/HOURS Early bird discount deadline (contract & payment due) Booth(s) must be paid in full. Booth assignments cannot be made until payment is received in full Exhibitor registration forms due to ANFP June 11 | 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. June 12 | 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. A complimentary coffee break will be provided to exhibitors in the Expo Hall from 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. ACCESS EXHIBITOR CONTRACT 97% 100% of ACE attendees were pleased with the variety of vendors in the Expo10 of ACE exhibitors felt that ACE either met or exceeded their expectations10 10Percentage based on total number of ACE 2023 survey respondents 22 | ANFP 2024 CORPORATE PARTNER GUIDE 100% of ACE exhibitors agreed that the Expo attracted the nutrition and foodservice customers they wanted to see10https://www.anfponline.org/docs/default-source/events/2024/2024-ace/exhibitor-contract---ace-2024.pdf