CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 13

if you passed or failed the exam. Individuals who do not pass the exam will also receive a breakdown of their
score by the exam content areas, with your score and the total possible score for each content area.
The passing score is determined by a cut-score study called a modified Angoff procedure. This statistical
study relies on subject matter experts - in our case, CDM, CFPPs and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists
(RDNs) - to estimate the difficulty of each question for a 'minimally competent practitioner,' or dietary
manager that is considered entry level. The data is then used to determine the score required to pass the
exam. On average, about 75% of candidates pass the exam on their first attempt. The pass rate statistics are
published semiannually at
Exam Results
After you have completed the exam and answered the questions regarding your testing experience, you will
be instructed to report to the Test Center administrator to receive your hard copy score report. The score
report will include your photograph and your exam results indicating " Pass " or " Fail. "
If you pass the exam, you must activate your certification within one year.
* ANFP will e-mail you information (to the e-mail address on file in your record) about the CBDM
Certifica tion Program, including the required step to activate your certification within one year of
passing the exam. You are not certified until you activate your certification. You cannot use the CDM,
CFPP credential or represent yourself as being certified until your certification is activated.
* If you are an ANFP member when you pass the exam and maintain your Professional membership with
ANFP, you will automatically be upgraded to Certified Status with the initial certification fee waived
one time and you must maintain your Professional membership in ANFP through the following May 31.
If your membership expires prior to the following May 31, you must either reinstate membership or pay
non-member certification fees in order to maintain certified status.
* If you are not an ANFP member when you pass the exam, you must pay the certification fee to
become certified and may choose to activate your credential as a member or non-member. You must
activate your certification within one year of the date you pass the exam (activation fees apply). After
activation is completed, CBDM will send information about your certification.
* Failing to activate the certification within one year of the date that you passed the exam will result
in your certification being terminated. To be eligible for certified status again, you will be required to
qualify for the exam under a current pathway of eligibility, submit an exam application with fees for
CBDM review and approval, and pass the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam.
* Learn more about certification activation and fees at
If you do not successfully complete and pass the exam:
Individuals choosing to retake the exam for any reason must wait 90 days from the most recent date that
they failed the exam before they may reschedule their exam. There is no limit to the number of times an
individual may register and take the exam providing current eligibility requirements have been met and an
exam application with fees has been submitted for CBDM review and approved for each retake of the exam.
For security purposes, CBDM will not release the exam, in part or whole, including the questions that you
missed. If you do not pass the exam, you will receive a breakdown indicating how you scored in each content
area on the exam. You may use the content area scores to prioritize areas of study; however, you should
review all areas as it is your overall score that determines your pass/fail status. Some questions may overlap
on each exam, and the 90-day waiting period helps ensure the security of the overall exam. CBDM retains
candidate pass/fail exam results as part of the candidate's record.
Verifying Scoring
Individuals who question or dispute their test score can request to have their score verified for a fee. PSI
verifies scoring by calculating the number of questions the examinee answered correctly at the Test Center,
and confirming that the number matches what was reported on the score report. If you wish to have your
score verified, you must submit your request in writing to CBDM at Include your
name, ID number, and the date and location at which you tested.
Duplicate Score Report Request
Duplicate score report for a previously completed exam is available for a limited time after completion date
and may require a processing fee. Submit your request in writing to CBDM at No
pass/fail or score information is released verbally, nor is such information provided to anyone other than the
candidate, unless the candidate submits a form to release such information.

CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook

The CDM Credentialing Exam: What You Need to Know
Exam Day Information
Maintaining Your Credential
Employment Verification Form
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - Cover1
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - Cover2
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - The CDM Credentialing Exam: What You Need to Know
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 2
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 3
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 4
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 5
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 6
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 7
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 8
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 9
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 10
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - Exam Day Information
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 12
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - 13
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - Maintaining Your Credential
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - Employment Verification Form
CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook - Cover4