Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 34

* 25% Whiners. These employees are
actively disengaged and do as little
as possible. They're generally the
gossipers in your organization.
40% of new employees leave
within the first 90 days.
Almost 1 out of 2 employees
leave before they even start.
* 2% Slugs. These employees are
counterproductive and tend to bring
everyone down.
What is the elephant in the room?
Answer: early turnover. Forty percent
of new employees leave within the first
90 days. Almost 1 out of 2 employees
leave before they even start. In most
jobs, the first 90 days is a probation
period. So what can we do to keep
employees past those 90 days?
9. Stop gamers. These are people
who move from job to job for
signing bonuses. Before hiring
someone, call their references and
verify their previous employment
10. Play hardball. Provide competitive
wages and make your organization
the best place to work.
7. Practice rounding. Reach out
to each member of your team
routinely to see how they're doing
and ensure they have what they
need. For newcomers to your
organization, a good rule of thumb
is to strive for seven interactions
within the first 30 days.
8. Avoid floating. Do not cross-train
new employees. Although this may
be necessary down the round, don't
overwhelm your new hires with too
many job tasks to learn and master
early on. They may feel duped or
overly stressed by the additional
Brian Lee, CEO of Custom Learning
Systems (,
developed five employee profiles. The
employee profiles outlined below give
us a great way to see what kind of
individuals we want-and don't want-
working in our organization.
Employee Profiles:
* 3% Superstars. These employees
consistently go above and beyond.
* 20% Winners. These employees
desire to contribute and make a
* 50% Grinners. These employees
come to work for the paycheck.
Leadership and coaching is vital.
Their attitude is influenced by peers,
education, involvement, and culture.
First, it starts with proper training
and how your organization works
inside and out. Seventy six percent
of employees believe that ongoing
training would help them trust their
employer more. For example, one
of the most successful franchises
out there is Chick-fil-A. They do $4.5
million in revenue each year and they
are closed on Sundays. The system
works so great because the main focus
is training. (Taylor, Kate, Business
Insider, 05-14-2020.)
The second way to retain employees
is by having competitive wages in
your market. Find out what your
competitors are paying, and ensure
that your compensation is at or above
their level if possible. Make sure wages
reflect years of experience, skill level,
education, and other relevant factors.
The third way to keep your employees
is to create a fun atmosphere where
people want to come to work. The
culture of your organization has
much to do with staff satisfaction.
Make sure you're meeting employee
needs for a supportive, fun, inclusive

Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022

Top 10 Non-Commercial Dining Spaces
Creative PR Strategies for Foodservice Operations
Highlighting Collaboration Between CDM, CFPPs and Contract Companies
My Recipe for Success
Promoting New FDA Guidance to Reduce Sodium Intake
Sourcing he Right Ingredients for Gluten-Free Menus
Interviewing: Again or Still?
How to Recruit and Retain Employees
Network, Educate and Elevate to Achieve Career Success
Legislative Update
Foundation Focus
Thank You Corporate Partners
What CDM, CFPP Means to Me
CDM, CFPP Spotlights
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Cover1
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Cover2
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 1
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 2
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 3
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 4
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Top 10 Non-Commercial Dining Spaces
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Creative PR Strategies for Foodservice Operations
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 7
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 8
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 9
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 10
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 11
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Highlighting Collaboration Between CDM, CFPPs and Contract Companies
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 13
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 14
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 15
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 16
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - My Recipe for Success
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Promoting New FDA Guidance to Reduce Sodium Intake
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 19
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 20
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 21
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 22
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 23
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Sourcing he Right Ingredients for Gluten-Free Menus
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 25
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 26
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 27
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Interviewing: Again or Still?
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 29
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 30
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 31
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 32
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - How to Recruit and Retain Employees
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 34
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 35
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Network, Educate and Elevate to Achieve Career Success
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 37
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Legislative Update
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 39
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Foundation Focus
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 41
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 42
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Thank You Corporate Partners
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - What CDM, CFPP Means to Me
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 45
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - 46
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - CDM, CFPP Spotlights
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Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Cover3
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - July/August 2022 - Cover4