Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - May/June 2021 - 12

Continued from page 11

customers, this is enough and they are not concerned about the
nutritional benefits of what they eat. However, for a select group
of people, they want to know if this new food will also have
functional or nutritional qualities.
The health benefits of consuming fermented foods have been
greatly studied in the past 45 years. In fact, some scholarly
articles cite the importance of including microbes and
fermented foods in national food guidelines (Chilton, Marco).
A primary benefit includes improved digestion, specifically
reduction of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms. IBS
affects 10-15 percent of Americans and is known to reduce the
quality of life for those who suffer from it. The commercial
industry promotes probiotics, meaning friendly bacteria.
Research is also emerging on the gut and brain connection,
linking consumption of fermented foods to improved mental
health. Consuming certain strains of probiotic bacteria may
increase our brain's production of serotonin, a calming " feel
good hormone. " (People with depression have lower levels of
serotonin.) Probiotics have the ability to improve microbial
balance, and have a potential role in the treatment and
prevention of anxiety and depression (Clapp).

State Extension offices are excellent resources for food
safety tips and recipes. Check out these materials to support
key points from the text:
1.	 To learn more about sourdough starter kits, refer to this
publication from Arkansas Extension Office: https://
2. 	 Sauerkraut is a crowd favorite. For more information,
refer to this publication from Purdue Extension Office:
3. 	 You can make yogurt at home or in your facility. See
this example from Oregon State Extension Office:

Whether you are searching out exciting additions to your menu,
or you are looking for novel and functional foods for your plate,
these fermented foods might be exactly what you are seeking.
Your clients' taste buds and mental and physical health may
benefit from your ingenuity and adventurous additions. E




Clapp, Megan et al. " Gut microbiota's effect on mental health: The gut-brain axis. " Clinics and practice vol. 7,4 987. 15 Sep. 2017.


Chilton SN, Burton JP, Reid G. Inclusion of fermented foods in food guides around the world. Nutrients. 2015;7(1):390-404.


Katz, Sandor Ellix. The Art of Fermentation: An In-depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes From Around the World. White
River Junction, Vt.: Chelsea Green Pub, 2012.


The ISAPP Quick Guide to Probiotics for Health Professionals: History, Efficacy, and Safety. " International Scientific Association for Probiotics
and Prebiotics (ISAPP), 5 Mar. 2021,


Marco ML, Hill C, Hutkins R, Slavin J, Tancredi DJ, Merenstein D, Sanders ME. Should There Be a Recommended Daily Intake of Microbes?
J Nutr. 2020 Dec.



May June 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of May June 2021

Metabolism-Boosting Meals
Breaking Barriers: Culturally-Responsive Congregate Meals
Ethics: Let's Do it Right
Meet Your Incoming 2021-2022 Officers and Directors
Culinary Connection: Discovering Fermented Foods
Nutrition Connection: Nutrition & Brain Health: An In-Depth Look at Alzheimer's, Depression, and Anxiety
Culinary Connection: The Importance of Umami in Healthy Aging
Connect Corner
My Recipe for Success
Top 10 Ways to Use Chickpeas
Join Us at ACE
Message From the Chair
What CDM, CFPP Means to Me
CDM, CFPP Spotlights
May June 2021 - Cover1
May June 2021 - Cover2
May June 2021 - 1
May June 2021 - 2
May June 2021 - 3
May June 2021 - 4
May June 2021 - Connect Corner
May June 2021 - My Recipe for Success
May June 2021 - Top 10 Ways to Use Chickpeas
May June 2021 - 8
May June 2021 - Join Us at ACE
May June 2021 - Culinary Connection: Discovering Fermented Foods
May June 2021 - 11
May June 2021 - 12
May June 2021 - 13
May June 2021 - Nutrition Connection: Nutrition & Brain Health: An In-Depth Look at Alzheimer's, Depression, and Anxiety
May June 2021 - 15
May June 2021 - 16
May June 2021 - 17
May June 2021 - 18
May June 2021 - 19
May June 2021 - 20
May June 2021 - 21
May June 2021 - Culinary Connection: The Importance of Umami in Healthy Aging
May June 2021 - 23
May June 2021 - 24
May June 2021 - 25
May June 2021 - 26
May June 2021 - 27
May June 2021 - Metabolism-Boosting Meals
May June 2021 - 29
May June 2021 - 30
May June 2021 - 31
May June 2021 - Breaking Barriers: Culturally-Responsive Congregate Meals
May June 2021 - 33
May June 2021 - 34
May June 2021 - 35
May June 2021 - Ethics: Let's Do it Right
May June 2021 - 37
May June 2021 - 38
May June 2021 - 39
May June 2021 - Message From the Chair
May June 2021 - 41
May June 2021 - 42
May June 2021 - What CDM, CFPP Means to Me
May June 2021 - Meet Your Incoming 2021-2022 Officers and Directors
May June 2021 - 45
May June 2021 - 46
May June 2021 - CDM, CFPP Spotlights
May June 2021 - 48
May June 2021 - Cover3
May June 2021 - Cover4