Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 44

Tom Thaman, CDM, CFPP
Distinguished Service Award
Margene Reno, MS, RDN
Partnership Award
Miranda Dulmus, CDM, CFPP
Student of the Year Award
Minnesota ANFP Chapter
Diamond Award
the time to understand the needs
of the residents and hired a puree
cook/food artist to prepare meals
that not only taste, but look like
the food it represents, ensuring
a positive dining experience for
residents. Additionally, he regularly
plans special meals with a festive
twist that elevate dining for the
residents. He has created an
environment that encourages staff
to contribute their ideas and help
improve processes and the overall
dining experience.
The Distinguished Service Award
(Member) recipient exhibits strong
support for ANFP, its members, and
its mission through membership,
leadership, and service.
Tom Thaman, CDM, CFPP has
been in the foodservice industry
for over 45 years and has recently
retired, but he continues his
legacy as an active volunteer
and steadfast supporter of ANFP
and the credential. Thaman has
served on several committees and
boards in addition to his roles as a
chapter leader, all while overseeing
a foodservice department that
provided over 3,000 meals
to patients and non-patients
daily. He also spearheaded the
collaboration with Meals on Wheels
of Central Indiana and the Indiana
Department of Health funded by the
Ryan White Foundation to produce
frozen meals servicing 500 clients
living with HIV and AIDS throughout
Indiana, delivered on a weekly basis.
The Partnership Award recipient
exhibits strong commitment to the
credential and supports the nutrition
and foodservice department leaders as
well as staff.
Margene Reno, MS, RDN has supported
foodservice departments for over 30
years. She continually advocates for
improving senior living communities
and is a resource for hospitals across
Minnesota and surrounding states.
During the pandemic, she was key to
ensuring her facilities had the proper
equipment to serve residents and
clients hot meals daily. Additionally,
she has become a valued resource in
training foodservice departments
in modified texture diets and tube
feeding. She is a tireless advocate for
ensuring that quality is not sacrificed
when serving these types of meals.
Reno is dedicated and passionate about
supporting others in the work they do
on behalf of patients and residents.
The Student of the Year Award
recognizes a current student enrolled
in an ANFP dietary managers program
who exemplifies dedication, hard work,
and commitment to earning the
CDM, CFPP credential and pursuing a
career in the foodservice industry.
Miranda Dulmus, CDM, CFPP is
known for putting in hard work
whether in her facility or working
towards obtaining the CDM, CFPP
credential, which she earned this
past spring. She is an employee who
works hard to ensure accuracy and
patient safety. Though Dulmus has
cross-trained in many areas and has
become the " go-to " person in her
department, she is always willing
to learn more. She has a passion for
learning and a bright future ahead
as a new CDM, CFPP.
The coveted Diamond Award
recognizes one ANFP state chapter per
year that exemplifies dedication to
members through chapter initiatives
and enthusiastic leadership.
This past year, Diamond Award
recipient Minnesota ANFP assisted
members and facilities with
understanding and implementing
the foodservice and nutrition
components of the new regulations
for assisted living in their state. The
regulations allowed the chapter
to highlight the expertise of the
CDM, CFPP and all they can bring
to the table. The chapter provided
a continuous stream of education,
information, and updates to their
members to ensure they were
informed and knowledgeable about
all the changes.

Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022

Sourcing and Creating Effective Nutrition Education Materials
Top Tips for a Successful IDDSI Menu
Meeting Hydration Needs Requires Daily Focus
My Recipe for Success
Top 7 Food Trends of 2022: What's Heating Up the Kitchen This Year
What CDM, CFPP Means to Me
Make Your Foodservice Operation Inspection-Ready
When to Walk Away
CDM, CFPPs Beyond the Kitchen: Share Those Initials Behind Your Name
2022 Benchmarking Study Highlights
Message From the Chair
ANFP Applauds 2022 Award Recipients
CDM, CFPP Spotlights
2022 ACE Recap and Thank You to Sponsors
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Cover1
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Cover2
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 1
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 2
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 3
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Sourcing and Creating Effective Nutrition Education Materials
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 5
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 6
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 7
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 8
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Top Tips for a Successful IDDSI Menu
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Meeting Hydration Needs Requires Daily Focus
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 11
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 12
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 13
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 14
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - My Recipe for Success
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Top 7 Food Trends of 2022: What's Heating Up the Kitchen This Year
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 17
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 18
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 19
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 20
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 21
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 22
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - What CDM, CFPP Means to Me
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 24
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Make Your Foodservice Operation Inspection-Ready
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 26
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 27
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - When to Walk Away
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 29
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 30
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 31
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - CDM, CFPPs Beyond the Kitchen: Share Those Initials Behind Your Name
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 33
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 2022 Benchmarking Study Highlights
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 35
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 36
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 37
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 38
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 39
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Message From the Chair
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 41
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - ANFP Applauds 2022 Award Recipients
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 43
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 44
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - CDM, CFPP Spotlights
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 46
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - 2022 ACE Recap and Thank You to Sponsors
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Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Cover3
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - September/October 2022 - Cover4