Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 13

in Leneva and " autograft injectable technology for atrophied
fat-pads " as a podiatric physician.
Fatima Daknish (TUSPM)
Fatima first encountered the field of
podiatry through a limb-preservation
study she encountered in her Master's
program. The preventative methods
employed by the podiatrist in the study
to educate patients with diabetes on taking charge of their
health inspired her journey towards podiatry. It is no surprise
that Fatima is most interested in pursuing surgery and limb
preservation as her podiatric subfield of choice " finding ways
to correct deformity, improving patient activities of daily
living, and improving patient pain. " In addition to the many
leadership roles that Fatima holds at Temple, she has used her
volunteer work at Shifa Clinic's " Day of Dignity " to connect
with local healthcare providers and represent her school and
background to other podiatrists and the medical community at
large. Her experiences as a podiatric student have shown her
the power of being a friendly face to Arab, Hispanic, Female,
and Muslim patients. When asked about what she is most
excited about as a podiatric physician, Fatima stated, " I have
a unique insight into multitudinous minority communities. I
speak Arabic and Spanish, which allowed me to better connect
with my patients through the intricacies of both languages.
I cook the same dishes as my Arab and Hispanic patients,
which enhances my nutrition advice for patients with gout.
As a hijabi, I face the challenge of compromising my sleeve
length in the operating room for sterility, so I relate to female
Muslim patients who are hesitant to expose their skin at a
doctor's visit. I perform the same daily prayer ablutions as
my Muslim patients, so I advise them to thoroughly dry their
interdigital spaces to prevent the occurrence of erythrasma.
Representation optimizes patient care and promotes a more
intimate understanding of cultural practices and norms. I
possess a comprehensive perspective on social determinants of
health as I see them in the minority communities I represent. I
am excited to treat and advocate for my communities. "
Lucy L. Xu (DMU-CPMS)
Lucy shadowed many medical
specialties during high school, with
podiatry quickly becoming the field she
was most interested in pursuing. Her
favorite subfield is currently surgery,
specifically repairing ankle fractures and administering
external fixations, but she is open to having her perspective
changed as she undergoes her clerkships. Lucy was " truly
grateful that [here] peers and faculty thought of [her] and
chose [her] " as a nominee for the 2023 Student of the Year
award. As a physician, Lucy is most excited to work with
patients directly and watch the immediate impact she will
have on a patient's well-being. When asked about something
she took up during her academic career, Lucy provided this
unique story: " This is sort of weird, but my boyfriend bought
me a guinea pig and since then, I've become really hooked on
finding out as much as I can about them. I'm excited to see
what life after podiatry school brings me and my guinea pig.
I've also been participating in intramural volleyball at DMU
and that's something I hope I can continue once I graduate! "
Lucy advises students to put themselves out there and really
partake in student organizations and events. " When it comes
to studying, don't try to memorize everything. What's more
crucial is that you understand it. "
Sophia Huynh (KSUCPM)
Sophia's interest in podiatric wound
care stems from the incredible
opportunities she partook in during
her rotation at the Cleveland Clinic.
" At the Cleveland Clinics, [she]
encountered diverse wound types, from acute surgical
wounds to chronic ulcers, and even complex cases requiring
advanced interventions. The attendings provided invaluable
guidance, sharing their expertise and insights into various
treatment modalities. Witnessing firsthand how different
interventions, such as debridement, advanced dressings,
and offloading techniques, played crucial roles in promoting

Footnotes - Summer 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Footnotes - Summer 2023

Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 1
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 2
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 3
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 4
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 5
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 6
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 7
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 8
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 9
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 10
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 11
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 12
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 13
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 14
Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 15
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Footnotes - Summer 2023 - 21
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