POLYETHYLENE I HDPE GEOMEMBRANES Dimensional Properties Tensile Properties ASTM D 6693 [3] Strength Elongation Oxidative Induction Time (OIT) (min. avg.) [7] Oven Aging at 85ºC ASTM D 5721 [7], [8] Standard OIT High Pressure OIT UV Resistance GM 11 [9] Atarfil S.L. l www.atarfil.com GMB TMT HD✧✧ (asperity height 0.45mm/18mil) GMB HD EVO smooth GMB HD EVO smooth GMB TMT HD EVO✧✧ (asperity height 0.75mm/30mil) GBM TMT HD EVO✧✧ (asperity height 0.75mm/30mils) GMB TMT HD EVO✧✧ (asperity height 0.45mm/18mils) GMB TMT HD EVO✧✧ (asperity height 0.45mm/18mils) HDPE CX-T HDPE CX-S HDPE CX-S HDPE CX-T HDPE CX-T HDPE CX-T HDPE CX-T W: 6.0 / 6.3 / 7.5 (19.7 / 20.6 /24.6) L: 80 (262) W: 6.0 / 6.3 / 7.5 (19.7 / 20.6 / 24.6) L: 202 (663) W: 6.0 / 6.3 / 7.5 (19.7 / 20.6 / 24.6) L: 152 (498) W: 6.0 (19.7) L: 150 (495) W: 6.0 (19.7) L: 131 (432) W: 6.0 / 6.3 / 7.5 (19.7 / 20.6 / 24.6) L: 100 (328) W: 6.0 / 6.3 / 7.5 (19.7 / 20.6 / 24.6) L: 80 (262) 2.0 (80) ≥ 0.942 1.5 (60) ≥ 0.942 2.0 (80) ≥ 0.942 1.5 (60) ≥ 0.942 2.0 (80) ≥ 0.942 1.5 (60) ≥ 0.942 2.0 (80) ≥ 0.942 29 (168) 22 (126) 29 (168) 22 (126) 29 (168) 22 (126) 29 (168) 30 (171) 40 (228) 53 (304) 15 (90) 21 (120) 22 (125) 30 (171) > 13 ≥ 400 0.570 (128) 0.249 (56) > 13 ≥ 700 0.490 (110) 0.187 (42) > 13 ≥ 700 0.640 (144) 0.249 (56) > 13 ≥ 300 0.409 (92) 0.187 (42) > 13 ≥ 300 0.556 (125) 0.249 (56) > 13 ≥ 400 0.450 (101) 0.187 (42) > 13 ≥ 400 0.570 (128) 0.249 (56) 2-2.5 1, 2 ≥3000✧ 120 500 55 80 75 All High 2-2.5 1.2 ≥3000✧ 120 500 55✧✧✧ 80✧✧✧ 75 demanding applications High 2-2.5 1.2 ≥3000✧ 120 500 55✧✧✧ 80✧✧✧ 75 demanding applications High 2-2.5 1, 2 ≥3000✧ 120 500 55✧✧✧ 80✧✧✧ 75 demanding applications High 2-2.5 1, 2 ≥3000✧ 120 500 55✧✧✧ 80✧✧✧ 75 demanding applications High 2-2.5 1, 2 ≥3000✧ 120 500 55✧✧✧ 80✧✧✧ 75 demanding applications High 2-2.5 1, 2 ≥3000✧ 120 500 55✧✧✧ 80✧✧✧ 75 demanding applications ✧Additional information regarding correlation between Test Methods ISO 18488 (Strain hardening) and ASTM D 5397 (Stress Crack Resistance) available upon request. Test conducted on representative smooth membrane samples. ✧✧Product can be manufactured with single (TM) or double (TMT) structured textured. ✧✧✧Product retained both Standard OIT (55%) and HP OIT (80%) after 90 days Oven Aging at 80 C ASTM D 5721 All Atarfil geomembranes are available in different thicknesses (from 0.75 to 4.00mm) and colors. Also an electrically conductive layer can be added upon request. [1] HDPE = High density polyethylene = Coextruded CX T = Textured S = Smooth [2] Lowest individual of 10 values [3] Machine direction (MD) and cross machine direction (XD) average values should be on the basis of 5 test specimens each direction * Yield elongation calculated with a gage length of 33mm * Break elongation calculated with a gage length of 50mm [4] Other methods such as D 4218 (muffle furnace) or microwave methods are acceptable if an appropriate correlation to D 1603 (tube furnace) can be established. [5] Carbon black dispersion for 10 different views: * minimum 9 of 10 in Categories 1 or 2 * all 10 in Categories 1, 2, or 3 [6] The yield stress used to calculate the applied load for the SP-NCTL test should be the manufacturer's mean value via MQC testing. [7] The manufacturer has the option to select either one of the OIT methods listed to evaluate the antioxidant content in the geomembrane. [8] It also is recommended to evaluate samples at 30 and 60 days to compare with the 90 day response. « Geosynthetics recommends you contact the manufacturers before making any specifying/purchasing decisions » GeosyntheticsMagazine.com 57 [9] The condition of the test should be 20 hr. UV cycle at 75 C followed by 4 hr. condensation at 60 C. [10] UV resistance is based on percent retained value regardless of the original HP-OIT value. [11] CL = Canal liner SIL = Surface impoundment liner SIC = Surface impoundment cover LL = Landfill liner DP = Decorative pond NP = Not provided by manufacturer NA = Not applicable, per manufacturer DL = Dam liner LPL = Leach pad liner LC = Landfill cover TL = Tunnel liner RP = Reserve pit Product Name Base Polymer [1] Roll Width/Length m (ft) Thickness ASTM D5199 (smooth) ASTM D5994 (textured) min. avg. mm (mils) [2] Density ASTM D1505/D792 (min.) (g/cm3 min.) Yield Stress kN/m (lb/in) Break Stress kN/m (lb/in) Yield Elongation % Break Elongation % Puncture Resistance D 4833 (min. avg.) kN (lb) Tear Resistance ASTM D 1004 (min. avg.) kN (lb) Carbon Black Content ASTM D 1603 range (%) [4] Carbon Black Dispersion ASTM D 5596 [5] Stress Crack Resistance ASTM D 5397 Appendix [6] Standard OIT ASTM D 3895 High Pressure OIT ASTM D 5885 ASTM D3895 % retained after 90 days ASTM D5885 % retained after 90 days High Pressure OIT (min. age.) % retained after 1600 hrs [10] Manufacturer's Suggested Applications [11]http://www.atarfil.com http://www.GeosyntheticsMagazine.com