DRAINAGE DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITES Transmissivity ASTM D4716-87 [5] Gradient = 0.1 Pressure = 10kPa 209 lb/ft2 Gradient = 1.0 Pressure = 479kPa 10,000 lb/ft2 AFITEX-Texel Geosynthetics Inc. l www.afitextexel.com DRAINTUBE ST4 D25 Y nonwoven O/C DRAINTUBE ST2 D25 DRAINTUBE ST1 D25 DRAINTUBE ST1 D20 O/C O/C O/C PP PP PP PP needle-punched 4 to 16 oz Y nonwoven needle-punched 4 to 16 oz Y nonwoven needle-punched 4 to 16 oz Y nonwoven needle-punched 4 to 16 oz [A] Gradient 0.1; Between sealed sand and geomembrane; Seating Time 100 hours; Pressure 50,000 psf Layfield Environmental Containment l www.layfieldgroup.com Hydranet 220-2-6 Biplanar GN Hydranet TRI 300-2-6 Triplanar GN PE/PP PE/PP Y Y 3.98 (13.1)/75 (246) 3.98 (13.1)/75 (246) 3.98 (13.1)/75 (246) 3.98 (13.1)/75 (246) Pipes 1'' diam. on 10 " centers NA Pipes 1'' diam. on 20 " centers Pipes 1'' diam. on 40 " centers pipes 4/5'' diam. on 40 " centers NA NA NA 4.0 x 10-3 (19.32) [A] 2.0 x 10-3 (9.66) [A] 1.0 x 10-3 (4.83) [A] 5.0 x 10-4 (2.42) [A] NP NP NP NP 4.42 x 91.44 (14.5 x 300) NP 4.42 x 64 (14.5 x 210) NP NP NP NP NP 1 X 10-4 2 X 10-3 Dimensional Properties Transmissivity [5] ASTM D4716 Gradient = 0.1 Pressure = 37.9 kPa (5 psi) Gradient = 1.0 Pressure = 100 kPa (14.5 psi) Drainage Products Inc. l www.drainaway.com Drain Away Panel DCC HIPS NW 0.6-1.5/3-6 (2-5/10-20) 15.8 (620) 239 (35) 0.001 (5) 0.002 (10) [1] GN = Geonet [2] HDPE = High Density polyethylene = Polypropylene O/C = Other or combination PP NP = Not provided by manufacturer [3] If " Y " , specify woven or nonwoven. [4] Thickness includes attached geotextile, when applicable [5] Seating time is 15 min. and flat-plate environment. NP = Data not provided by manufacturer NA = Not applicable, per manufacturer PE PS = Polyethylene = Polystyrene O/C = Other or combination ◆ Specification Change- this specification (D1621) changed in the 2017 Specifier's Guide. From: Compressive Strength at yield ASTM D1621 kPa (psi) To: Compressive Strength at yield per ASTM D6364 units kPa (psi) « Geosynthetics recommends you contact the manufacturers before making any specifying/purchasing decisions » 78 Geosynthetics | Winter 2025 Product Name Product Name Structure [1] Structure [1] Core/Net/Mesh Polymer and/or Composition [2] Core/Net/Mesh Polymer Composition [2] Geotextile Type W or NW Geotextile Attached (Y/N) [3] Width/Length m (ft) Width/Length m (ft) Core/Net/Mesh Thickness ASTM D5199 mm (mil) Core/Net/Mesh [4] Thickness ASTM D5199 mm (mil) Compressive Strength ASTM D6364 kPa (psi)/ % deflection at yield◆ Compressive Strength ASTM D6364 kPa (psi)/% deflection at yield◆ m2/s m2/sec-m (gal/min/ft) (gal/min/ ft) m2/sec-m (gal/min/ft) m2/s (gal/min/ft)http://www.afitextexel.com http://www.layfieldgroup.com http://www.drainaway.com