Conclusion This case shows how large projects with special needs can benefit from detailed studies and from customized materials and solutions designed to maximize the benefits offered by geosynthetic reinforcement solutions while minimizing waste of material and overkills in their design. References BBA Technical Approvals for Construction. Agrément Certificate 05/4266, product sheet 2. BS 8006-1: 2010. Code of practice for strengthened/ reinforced soils and other fills. G >> For more, search geogrids at FIGURE 11 Installation of the 1750 kN/m (120,000 lb/ft) Geogrid (Huesker Ltda., 2021) Unanswered questions can stop your project in its tracks. The GMA Techline puts you back in the fast lane. GMA Techline is your resource for technical questions about geosynthetics provided by ATA's Geosynthetic Materials Association. Don't second guess, get expert advice. Email for fast, free and direct answers to your technical questions. 35