ABOVE and LEFT: The final installation of Razzle Dazzle draped and secured over the Sioux City Art Center and its Gilchrist Learning Center in Sioux City, Iowa. Razzle Dazzle was installed and on display Aug. 31-Sept. 1 for the city's ArtSplash 2024 event. BELOW, LEFT: Amanda Browder and volunteers at a public sewing day at West Middle School in Sioux City, Iowa. Public sewing days were held at various places around the city, including schools, breweries, churches and community centers. Browder says volunteers of every age and background participated. BELOW, MIDDLE: Three volunteers at a public sewing day. Behind them are long sections of Razzle Dazzle waiting to be sewn into the final project. BELOW, RIGHT: Volunteers help transport Razzle Dazzle outside the Sioux City Art Center to be installed on Aug. 31. Images: Adam Gonshorowski SpecialtyFabricsReview.com 9http://www.SpecialtyFabricsReview.com