Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 37
Property Tax and Valuations
* The county calculates, collects, and distributes tax on behalf of 135 different taxing entities.
* Every two years, the Assessor's Office is required by the State of Colorado to appraise
the value of all residential and commercial properties using an assessment rate set by
the state. The next valuations will be sent to property owners in May 2025.
* The Treasurer's Office calculates property taxes based on the assessed value and the
mill levies set by the taxing authorities where the property is located (for example,
school district, fire district, library district, water district, city, etc.). Tax notices are sent
out in January each year.
Find out more about property assessment:
Find out about tax calculations, exemptions, and payment deadlines:
Find out about the infrastructure and services that your tax dollars support:
Voting & Elections
The Elections Division registers voters, maintains voter registration records, and conducts
elections for the county. There are typically elections every November on state and/or
local issues/candidates and primary elections in June of even years. Additionally, there is
a presidential primary in March every four years. A few voter tips:
* Get registered or check your voter registration at Voters must update their
voter registration record every time they move.
* In Colorado, eligible voters are automatically mailed ballots for every election beginning about 3
weeks prior to the election. Voters also have the option to vote in person.
* Colorado does not have a registration deadline, and eligible voters can register to vote up to and
including Election Day.
* Consider adding an email address to your voter registration record. Emails are considered
confidential and not part of the public voter file. An email address helps the election office reach
voters if a problem arises with mailing addresses or ballot envelope signatures.
Property Tax and Valuations
Voting & Elections
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English)
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Community Connections - 2024-25 (English)
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - Cover1
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - Contents
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 1
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 2
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 3
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 4
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 5
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 6
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 7
Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - 8
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Community Connections - 2024-25 (English) - Cover4