UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 21

* Tax Implications. Lastly, the tax implications of the alternative investment should
be carefully considered. Alternative investments may have different tax treatments
compared to traditional assets, and it is essential to understand the potential
tax consequences before making an investment decision. Seeking professional
advice from a tax advisor is recommended to ensure compliance with relevant tax
By thoroughly assessing the benefits and risks of including an alternative investment in a
client's portfolio, financial advisors can make informed decisions that align with the client's
investment objectives, risk tolerance, and overall success.
Understanding Financial Advisor Resources and Constraints
It is crucial to consider the financial advisor's resources and constraints. Several factors can
impact the advisor's ability to provide suitable advice and effectively manage alternative
investments on behalf of their clients.
* Capacity. Advisors with many clients may have limited time to explain the
investment's performance, investment theme, appropriate benchmark, and answer
the many questions their clients may ask of them. The cost of serving clients and the
time required by the advisor will likely materially increase when introducing alternative
investments. The advisor must have the resources and margin cushion to properly
serve investors if they decide to include alternative investments.
* Competency. Not all advisors have the necessary training and experience to effectively
evaluate, recommend, and explain to their investors the alternative investment in
question. Advisors who lack sufficient knowledge in this area may face difficulties
in understanding the risks and complexities associated with alternatives, which can
lead to unsuitable recommendations for clients or clients' inability to stick with the

UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold

UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - Cover
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - IFC
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 1
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 2
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 3
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 4
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 5
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 6
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 7
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 8
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 9
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 10
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 11
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 12
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 13
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 14
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 15
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 16
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 17
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 18
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 19
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 20
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 21
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 22
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 23
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 24
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 25
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 26
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 27
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 28
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 29
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 30
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 31
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 32
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 33
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 34
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 35
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 36
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 37
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 38
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 39
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 40
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - 41
UniFi by CAIA Crossing the Threshold - Back Cover