News Desk DEEP DIVE Two-part Dialogue for Property Managers and Board Members In 2024, CAI-NE will embark on an exploration of condominium trends and best practices in this insightful webinar series. Each quarterly " Deep Dive " webinar will be presented in two parts: Introducing 'Deep Dive' Two-part Webinar Series Examining Emerging Industry Issues 12 CONDOMEDIA February 2024 PART ONE will engage participants in conversation with the author of a Condo Media article, unlocking insights into dynamic topics shaping the industry. Gain an understanding of evolving challenges and innovative solutions shaping the condominium landscape. PART TWO invites you to a panel discussion featuring diverse industry professionals who bring unique perspectives to the forefront. Navigate through a spectrum of ideas, experiences, and strategies as the panel shares collective condominium wisdom. Quarterly Deep Dive webinar series topics will include insurance, technology, resident safety, and legal trends. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in this ever-changing industry!