President's Message WWW.CAINE.ORG EMERGENCIES AND PLANNING W 2 CONDOMEDIA February 2024 e all know we should, but few of us do it: plan before the emergency happens. From setting budget goals to thinking about how climate change will aff ect communities, managing boards are ultimately the only entity that can ensure proper planning is in place for their communities. But that doesn't mean boards have to go it alone nor should they. Boards should seek out professional advice to determine proper insurance values, review ways to bring down the cost of insurance premiums by eliminating risk factors, and have action plans in place in the event an emergency occurs. Sometimes thinking about forming disaster plans can seem daunting. How can boards anticipate what may happen? The range of possibilities is endless. There could be an earthquake, fl ood, or even a terrorist event. But a plan does not have to anticipate exactly what may happen to be eff ective. A plan should anticipate what will need to happen in any emergency. Communication and disseminating information from the board will always be required. Knowing what state and local resources are available and how to reach those in government will always be required. And being organized and effi cient by designating roles among owners and board members will always be needed. Make a plan. Start the process of thinking through what may need to be done if a disaster occurs. Don't let the enormity and complexity of the potential issues prevent the conversation and action from occurring. Start small, and build from there. Sincerely, Mark S. Einhorn, Esq. 2024 CAI-NE Chapter Presidenthttp://WWW.CAINE.ORG