The 360 Board The volunteer pipeline all starts with this question: " Why do people volunteer in the fi rst place? " VOLUNTEERS serve solely for the satisfaction of participating in the process of serving. Ensuring that volunteering is a worthwhile endeavor for the volunteers is crucial for the board, as unsatisfi ed volunteers will leave before completing their term or assignment and never look back; thus, it is incumbent on the board to provide a solid framework for committee responsibilities and operations. Here's how: ● The foundation for committee success: The volunteer pipeline starts with committees, so they must have a clear purpose and method of operations. ● Board members are the ambassadors to new committee members (and the community) and need to act like it: Have a friendly, welcoming, positive attitude. ● Make sure your own house is in order. How long was that last board meeting? ● Keep your eyes wide-open for good volunteers. Target those you believe would be good volunteers, and personally invite them to serve. ● Say " thank you! " 26 CONDOMEDIA January 2025