MADE WITH 1LɈ/V\7O+ Manager, Cell Culture Development Pharma Services Princeton, NJ PROCESS & PURPOSE HOW (:4(33:;(9;<7>(:()3,;6:*(3,<7 >0;/6<;36:05.;/,0979,*06<:4(;,90(3 Jeff faced a dilemma: how to complete a large biomanufacturing scale up with the very small amount of material his client gave him. And the stakes were high. His client had spent a lot of time and money developing this potentially revolutionary Alzheimer's treatment. Any wasted material would put the execution of the clinical trial at risk, and possibly risk the future of the entire program. Jeff knew [OLWYVJLZZULLKLK[VILWLYMLJ[:VOPZ[LHT^VYRLK[PYLSLZZS`[VÄUK^H`Z[V improve the cell culture performance. They examined key process parameters and even completed additional work in the process development laboratory to LUZ\YL Z\JJLZZ ;OL YLZ\S[ ^HZ H ÅH^SLZZ ZJHSL \W HUK TVZ[ PTWVY[HU[S` H potential breakthrough drug was able to get into the clinic. Find out more at[OLYTVÄZOLYJVTWH[OLVU ĝ7KHUPR)LVKHU6FLHQWLðF,QF$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG API Untitled-22 1 APR_SeptOct2020.indd 67 BIOLOGICS EARLY & LATE PHASE DEVELOPMENT CLINICAL TRIAL SOLU TIONS LOGISTICS SERVICES COMMERCIAL MANUFACTUR ING 9/21/20 11:45 10/2/20 11:29 AM