APR Nov/Dec 2022 - 8

American Pharmaceutical Review is one of several outstanding publications available from CompareNetworks, Inc.
Here is a look at the insightful content our readers may enjoy from four of our sister resources:
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing, Biocompare, Labcompare, and Tablets & Capsules.
Best Practices for Data Collection in Decentralized Clinical Trials
Over the past few years, impactful technology advancements have been made in the clinical trial industry that
have resulted in better opportunities to conduct decentralized clinical trials (DCT). COVID-19 further propelled
the need for implementation of DCTs and the ability to collect data outside of the traditional site-focused model.
There are now tools available within the industry to implement DCTs quickly and effectively. With proper application, impressive strides can be
made to improve the site and patient experience, provide opportunities for data to be collected directly from patients, and, in turn, reduce some
of the challenges of collecting quality and real-time data.
A Guide to Hematopoietic Stem Cell Markers
Blood cells are rather short-lived and thus require continuous replenishment. This need is met by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which
are rare (0.005%-0.01% of all nucleated bone marrow cells), self-renewing cells that through a series of lineage-committed progenitor
cells ultimately give rise to mature blood cells of all types. Their therapeutic potential for treating hematological disorders is immense,
but a shortage of immunocompatible HSC donors means that generating a sufficient number of transplantable HSCs is a sought-after
achievement in clinical research. Preclinical research into developing methods to maintain, manipulate, and expand HSCs ex vivo is paving
the way to making widespread clinical usage of HSCs a reality. Their isolation for such studies is based on the expression of a distinct pattern
of cell surface markers well reported in the primary literature, which will be discussed in this article.
Advances in Whole Slide Scanning:
Where the Technology Is Today
Whole slide scanning has emerged as an invaluable tool in a range of research and clinical applications in recent years. Given the large areas
that must be covered, typical approaches involve scanning slides at low magnification (10x-20x) and have been limited in application to the
detection and analysis of objects resolvable at these magnifications.
Recently, numerous improvements have been made that make high-resolution slide scanning possible. However, several tradeoffs exist
when considering low- versus high-resolution scanning. In comparison, low-resolution imaging-here defined as images collected at 2x-20x
magnification-provides high acquisition rates (especially for large area samples) and a macro-scale overview of features or structures, while
keeping file sizes small and data volumes manageable.
Tamping: Fine-Tuning Capsule Filling
If you're thinking about encapsulating high-volume, well- formulated products, a tamper-style encapsulator is your best bet (dosator-style
encapsulators work with sticky products, while hand-filling-style machines handle coarse products and small volumes well) Tamper-style
encapsulators use pins to push through a pile of powder, forcing an ambiguous amount into a dosing bore. This is repeated several times prior
to transfer into the capsule body.
The capsule's contents is called a " slug " . An ideal slug is cylindrical, semi-solid, uniform, and flat on top and bottom. A consistent slug promotes
accurate fill weight and clean transfer into the capsule body at high speeds.
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| November/December 2022
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APR Nov/Dec 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of APR Nov/Dec 2022

APR Nov/Dec 2022 - Cover1
APR Nov/Dec 2022 - Cover2
APR Nov/Dec 2022 - 1
APR Nov/Dec 2022 - 2
APR Nov/Dec 2022 - 3
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