APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 45

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2033 Becker Drive | Suite 310 | Lawrence, KS 66047

APR Sept/Oct 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of APR Sept/Oct 2023

INSIDER INSIGHT - From Guidelines to Standards: Why Comprehensive AI Regulation is Essential to Spurring Innovation
BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Aseptic Process Simulation: Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacture
FORMULATION & DEVELOPMENT - Challenges of Analytical Validation for ATMPs
QC Corner - The Intricacies of Testing for Mycoplasmas in Cell Culture Systems
MICROBIOLOGY - Standardized, Scalable And Efficient: Producing Recombinant Factor C to Quality Standards
FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - R Code to Estimate Probability of Passing USP Dissolution Test
FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Cloud Computing for Drug Discovery: The Time is Now
CGT CIRCUIT - Navigating the Complex Testing Strategies for Viral Vector-based Gene Therapies
MANUFACTURING - Simplifying Finished Product Manufacturer Site Transfer Variations
FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Advancing Regulatory Compliance with Natural Language Processing
DRUG DELIVERY - Finding a Greater Vantage Point for Creating Green Therapies
WHITEPAPER - Microbial Testing for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Facility Tour - Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing
ROUNDTABLE - Drug Delivery
MANUFACTURING - Accelerating Biologics R&D with Unified Software and Data Flows
An Interview with Jason Downing, Senior Product Manager, TriLink BioTechnologies®
FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - The Role of Data in the Pharmaceutical Lifecycle
BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Uniting Quality Expectations on Reinvigorated Biopharma Campuses
WHITEPAPER - VITAMIN C – Tableting with LUBRITAB® RBW Lubricant
WHITEPAPER - Leveraging Analytical Technology Process for CMC
BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Maximizing the Commercialization Potential of Cell and Gene Therapies
MICROBIOLOGY - Comments on Aseptic Process Simulation (APS) in the New EU GMP Annex 1
VENDOR VIEWPOINT - Continuous & Intervention-Free Microbial Monitoring
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Cover1
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Cover2
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 1
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 2
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 3
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 4
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 5
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 6
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 7
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 8
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 9
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 10
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 11
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 12
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 13
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 14
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 15
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 16
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 17
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 18
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 19
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 20
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 21
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 22
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 23
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 24
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 25
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 26
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 27
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 28
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 29
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 30
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - INSIDER INSIGHT - From Guidelines to Standards: Why Comprehensive AI Regulation is Essential to Spurring Innovation
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 32
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 33
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Aseptic Process Simulation: Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacture
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 35
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 36
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 37
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 38
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 39
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 40
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 41
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 42
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 43
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION & DEVELOPMENT - Challenges of Analytical Validation for ATMPs
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 45
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 46
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 47
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 48
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 49
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - QC Corner - The Intricacies of Testing for Mycoplasmas in Cell Culture Systems
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 51
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - MICROBIOLOGY - Standardized, Scalable And Efficient: Producing Recombinant Factor C to Quality Standards
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 53
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 54
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 55
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - R Code to Estimate Probability of Passing USP Dissolution Test
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 57
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 58
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 59
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 60
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 61
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Cloud Computing for Drug Discovery: The Time is Now
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 63
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 64
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 65
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 66
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 67
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - CGT CIRCUIT - Navigating the Complex Testing Strategies for Viral Vector-based Gene Therapies
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 69
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - MANUFACTURING - Simplifying Finished Product Manufacturer Site Transfer Variations
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 71
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 72
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 73
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Advancing Regulatory Compliance with Natural Language Processing
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 75
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 76
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 77
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - DRUG DELIVERY - Finding a Greater Vantage Point for Creating Green Therapies
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 79
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 80
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 81
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - WHITEPAPER - Microbial Testing for the Pharmaceutical Industry
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 83
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 84
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 85
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Facility Tour - Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 87
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 88
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - ROUNDTABLE - Drug Delivery
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 90
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 91
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - MANUFACTURING - Accelerating Biologics R&D with Unified Software and Data Flows
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 93
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - An Interview with Jason Downing, Senior Product Manager, TriLink BioTechnologies®
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 95
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - The Role of Data in the Pharmaceutical Lifecycle
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 97
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 98
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Uniting Quality Expectations on Reinvigorated Biopharma Campuses
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 100
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 101
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - WHITEPAPER - VITAMIN C – Tableting with LUBRITAB® RBW Lubricant
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 103
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - WHITEPAPER - Leveraging Analytical Technology Process for CMC
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 105
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 106
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Maximizing the Commercialization Potential of Cell and Gene Therapies
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 108
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 109
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - MICROBIOLOGY - Comments on Aseptic Process Simulation (APS) in the New EU GMP Annex 1
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 111
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 112
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 113
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - VENDOR VIEWPOINT - Continuous & Intervention-Free Microbial Monitoring
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 115
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 116
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 117
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 118
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 119
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 120
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Cover3
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Cover4