APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 55

The current
focus with endotoxin testing is with the transition
away from animal-derived lysates and towards recombinant
factor C reagents. The steps this takes is still transitional in terms of
compendial development, validation versus verification requirements,
and regulatory approval; nonetheless, the eventual replacement
of horseshoe crab lysate with a recombinant product is inevitable.
Longer term, recombinant lysate might be replaced by biosensor
technology, including optical, electrochemical, photoelectrochemical,
and electrochemiluminescence solutions.22
For the immediate future,
recombinant factor C (and recombinant forms of the endotoxin
reactive pathway) is here to stay, and the focus needs to be as much
with reliable methods of manufacture as it is with reagent qualification.
Ding JL, Chai C, Pui AWM et al. Expression of full length and deletion homologues of
Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda Factor C in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: immunoreactivity and
endotoxin binding. J. Endotoxin Res. 4, 33-43 (1997)
Bolden, J., Knusten, C., Levin, J. et al. Currently Available Recombinant Alternatives to
Horseshoe Crab Blood Lysates: Are They Comparable for the Detection of Environmental
Bacterial Endotoxins? A Review, PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 74
(5) 602-611; DOI: https://doi.org/10.5731/pdajpst.2020.012187 (2020)
Muroi, M., Ogura, N., Mizumura, H. Application of a Recombinant Three-Factor Chromogenic
Reagent, PyroSmart, for Bacterial Endotoxins Test Filed in the Pharmacopeias, Bio. Pharm.
Bull, 42: 2024-2037 (2019)
12. W Abate, et al. Evaluation of Recombinant Factor C Assay for the Detection of Divergent
Lipopolysaccharide Structural Species and Comparison with Limulus Amebocyte LysateBased
Assays and a Human Monocyte Activity Assay, J of Medical Microbiology, 66: 888897
Piehler M, Roeder R, Blessing S, Reich J. Comparison of LAL and rFC Assays-Participation in
a Proficiency Test Program between 2014 and 2019. Microorganisms. 16;8(3):418 (2020)
Sandle, T. Variability and the LAL assay. Pharm. Microbiol. Forum Newsl. 19: 4-12 (2013).
Krisfalusi-Gannon J, Ali W, Dellinger K et al. The role of horseshoe crabs in the biomedical
industry and recent trends impacting species sustainability. Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 185 (2018)
Gorman R. Atlantic Horseshoe Crabs and Endotoxin Testing: Perspectives on Alternatives,
sustainable Methods, and the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement). Front Mar
Sci. 30;7, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.582132 (2020)
Maloney T, Phelan R, Simmons N. Saving the horseshoe crab: a synthetic alternative to
horseshoe crab blood for endotoxin detection. PLoS Biol. 16(10), e2006607 (2018).
Bolden, J. Recombinant Factor C. In: Williams, K. (eds) Endotoxin Detection and Control in
Pharma, Limulus, and Mammalian Systems. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/9783-030-17148-3_13
Sandle, T. Historical Milestones and Industry Drivers in the Development of Recombinant
Lysate for Bacterial Endotoxin Testing, American Pharmaceutical Review, https://www.
Nakamura T, Morita T, Iwanaga S. Lipopolysaccharide-sensitive serine-protease zymogen
(factor C) found in Limulus hemocytes. Isolation and characterization. Eur. J. Biochem.
154(3), 511-521 (1986)
Chen L, Mozier N. Comparison of Limulus amebocyte lysate test methods for endotoxin
measurement in protein solutions. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 80, 180-185 (2013)
Marius, M., Vacher, F., Bonnevay, T. Comparison of Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate and
Recombinant Factor C Assays for Endotoxin Detection in Four Human Vaccines with
Complex Matrices, PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 74 (4) 394407
Rosano, Germán L.; Ceccarelli, Eduardo A. Recombinant protein expression in Escherichia
coli: advances and challenges. Frontiers in Microbiology. 5: 172 (2014)
Pui AWM, Ho B, Ding JL. Yeast recombinant Factor C from horseshoe crab binds endotoxin
and causes bacteriostasis. J. Endotoxin Res. 4, 391-400 (1997)
Roopashree SD, Ho B, Ding JL. Expression of Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda Factor C in Pichia
pastoris. Mol. Mar. Biol. Biotechnol. 5, 334-343 (1996).
18. Owczarek, B.; Gerszberg, A.; Hnatuszko-Konka, K. A Brief Reminder of Systems of Production
and Chromatography-Based Recovery of Recombinant Protein Biopharmaceuticals.
Biomed. Res. Int. 4216060 (2019)
19. Zhu J (2012) Mammalian cell protein expression for biopharmaceutical production.
Biotechnol Adv 30(5): 1158-1170
Tripathi, N.K.; Shrivastava, A. Recent Developments in Bioprocessing of Recombinant
Proteins: Expression Hosts and Process Development. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 7,
420 (2019)
Hirayama C, Sakata M Chromatographic removal of endotoxin from protein solutions by
polymer particles. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 781:419-432 (2002)
22. Mobed A, Hasanzadeh M. Environmental protection based on the nanobiosensing of
bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPSs): material and method overview. RSC Adv. 12(16):
9704-9724 (2022
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| 55

APR Sept/Oct 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of APR Sept/Oct 2023

INSIDER INSIGHT - From Guidelines to Standards: Why Comprehensive AI Regulation is Essential to Spurring Innovation
BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Aseptic Process Simulation: Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacture
FORMULATION & DEVELOPMENT - Challenges of Analytical Validation for ATMPs
QC Corner - The Intricacies of Testing for Mycoplasmas in Cell Culture Systems
MICROBIOLOGY - Standardized, Scalable And Efficient: Producing Recombinant Factor C to Quality Standards
FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - R Code to Estimate Probability of Passing USP Dissolution Test
FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Cloud Computing for Drug Discovery: The Time is Now
CGT CIRCUIT - Navigating the Complex Testing Strategies for Viral Vector-based Gene Therapies
MANUFACTURING - Simplifying Finished Product Manufacturer Site Transfer Variations
FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Advancing Regulatory Compliance with Natural Language Processing
DRUG DELIVERY - Finding a Greater Vantage Point for Creating Green Therapies
WHITEPAPER - Microbial Testing for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Facility Tour - Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing
ROUNDTABLE - Drug Delivery
MANUFACTURING - Accelerating Biologics R&D with Unified Software and Data Flows
An Interview with Jason Downing, Senior Product Manager, TriLink BioTechnologies®
FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - The Role of Data in the Pharmaceutical Lifecycle
BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Uniting Quality Expectations on Reinvigorated Biopharma Campuses
WHITEPAPER - VITAMIN C – Tableting with LUBRITAB® RBW Lubricant
WHITEPAPER - Leveraging Analytical Technology Process for CMC
BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Maximizing the Commercialization Potential of Cell and Gene Therapies
MICROBIOLOGY - Comments on Aseptic Process Simulation (APS) in the New EU GMP Annex 1
VENDOR VIEWPOINT - Continuous & Intervention-Free Microbial Monitoring
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Cover1
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Cover2
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 1
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 2
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 3
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 4
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 5
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 6
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 7
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 8
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 9
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 10
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 11
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 12
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 13
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 14
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 15
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 16
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 17
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 18
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 19
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 20
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 21
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 22
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 23
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 24
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 25
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 26
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 27
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 28
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 29
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 30
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - INSIDER INSIGHT - From Guidelines to Standards: Why Comprehensive AI Regulation is Essential to Spurring Innovation
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 32
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 33
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Aseptic Process Simulation: Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacture
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 35
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 36
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 37
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 38
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 39
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 40
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 41
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 42
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 43
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION & DEVELOPMENT - Challenges of Analytical Validation for ATMPs
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 45
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 46
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 47
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 48
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 49
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - QC Corner - The Intricacies of Testing for Mycoplasmas in Cell Culture Systems
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 51
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - MICROBIOLOGY - Standardized, Scalable And Efficient: Producing Recombinant Factor C to Quality Standards
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 53
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 54
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 55
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - R Code to Estimate Probability of Passing USP Dissolution Test
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 57
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 58
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 59
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 60
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 61
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Cloud Computing for Drug Discovery: The Time is Now
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 63
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 64
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 65
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 66
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 67
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - CGT CIRCUIT - Navigating the Complex Testing Strategies for Viral Vector-based Gene Therapies
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 69
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - MANUFACTURING - Simplifying Finished Product Manufacturer Site Transfer Variations
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 71
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 72
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 73
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - Advancing Regulatory Compliance with Natural Language Processing
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 75
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 76
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 77
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - DRUG DELIVERY - Finding a Greater Vantage Point for Creating Green Therapies
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 79
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 80
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 81
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - WHITEPAPER - Microbial Testing for the Pharmaceutical Industry
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 83
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 84
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 85
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Facility Tour - Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 87
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 88
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - ROUNDTABLE - Drug Delivery
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 90
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 91
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - MANUFACTURING - Accelerating Biologics R&D with Unified Software and Data Flows
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 93
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - An Interview with Jason Downing, Senior Product Manager, TriLink BioTechnologies®
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 95
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT - The Role of Data in the Pharmaceutical Lifecycle
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 97
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 98
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Uniting Quality Expectations on Reinvigorated Biopharma Campuses
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 100
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 101
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - WHITEPAPER - VITAMIN C – Tableting with LUBRITAB® RBW Lubricant
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 103
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - WHITEPAPER - Leveraging Analytical Technology Process for CMC
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 105
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 106
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - BIOPHARMACEUTICAL - Maximizing the Commercialization Potential of Cell and Gene Therapies
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 108
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 109
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - MICROBIOLOGY - Comments on Aseptic Process Simulation (APS) in the New EU GMP Annex 1
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 111
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 112
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 113
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - VENDOR VIEWPOINT - Continuous & Intervention-Free Microbial Monitoring
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 115
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 116
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 117
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 118
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 119
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - 120
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Cover3
APR Sept/Oct 2023 - Cover4