Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 10

costs. Basic services are refurbishment and EOL (waste management)
related. The network and drop-off locations shortens the recovery
cycle. This allows more turns that increase the utilization, which
reduces the number of shippers required in the inventory. This also
reduces overall freight costs.
Quality: Service center concept promotes quality standards
and conformance.
ES: Significant solid waste reduction, a decrease in GHG emissions
and lower waste disposal costs.
5. Enhance the service center network by adding
third party warehousing, conditioning , assembly
services, packing, shipping and recovery to the
basic service center operations. This includes
expansion from regional to global coverage.
Envision a large umbrella of service coverage.
Benefits: Cost savings (reduce per-use cost of shipper, which includes
reduced warehouse, conditioning and assembly service costs),
increase overall capacity and agility to respond to peak demands,
reduce return freight cost, reduce warehouse and conditioning space
and utility costs from previously used sponsor site costs. This will
reduce warehousing and operating costs formerly experienced by
the sponsor. The results over time should be lower operating costs
year over year.
Quality: RU shippers are more robust. RU shipper inspection under
manufacturer specifications and uniform QA controls across all
service centers will improve performance and conformance.
ES: Moderate solid waste reduction, a decrease in GHG emissions and
lower waste disposal costs.
6. Design new RU shippers to optimize shipper
dimensions with historical order pack sizes. Also
referred to as product fitment. The outcome would
be an entire fleet of shippers that optimizes the
shipper dimensions to the order pack (payload/
product) sizes. This would utilize other superior
features for quality, performance, and ES by
utilizing RU shippers. This may or may not utilize
service centers.
Benefits: Cost savings - reduce per-use costs of shipper or component
and reduce freight costs. Increase the number of product units per
pallet and reduce the average shipper size.
Quality: RU shippers are more robust, have longer qualified shipping
duration times, and operate with very low TE rates as compared to
same-size SU shippers.
ES: Significant solid waste reduction, a decrease in GHG emissions
and lower waste disposal costs.
How to Get Started on Implementing
These Methods?
First, find out what your company business requirements are for this
shipping system.
This initial task is to identify the basic shipper characteristics for your
business requirements. As you read this, it will become obvious that
it is information unique to your business. The characteristics listed below
are what an expert/ SME would ask to lay the foundation of work.
The basic shipper characteristics are:
* Payload Size and Weight (Minimum and maximum fill with
your products. Maximum capacity of shipper filled with 1L
bottles of water). Is it a parcel or pallet size? Is there an unusual
dimension (height, width, length) that has to be packaged? Is
this product container a unique shape?
* The Product Temperature Range is required for shipping,
storage, and the product label statement. It is important to
have a firm product temperature range for shipping before
starting any design work.
* Shipping Duration is required to identify the longest
anticipated route times and distances, based on history or
anticipated extreme shipping time.
* Lane Environment Conditions: This is the environmental
temperature profile of the lane and any unusual profiles- air
mode, sea mode, ground high or low vibration profile.
* Physical Requirements of the product (photosensitivity,
humidity, shock and vibration).
* Special Requirements. For example, monitoring the tilt for
liquid nitrogen (LN). Knowledge of maximum exposure time
limit, etc.
After the first step is completed there are several other steps. These
may be covered in future articles- stay tuned!
Successful distribution takes basic shipping characteristics of the
shipping solution and optimizes key factors to produce improved and
innovative methods.
There are several methods that can stimulate progress under many
business challenges. Six have been introduced that have already
delivered results for others. Each company has its own specific
requirements. Hopefully, these methods will spark ideas for solutions
to your unique challenges.
What is helpful in the development of solutions is reviewing history,
learning best practices, and building plans toward the future. This
grounds us to where we are in relation to where we want to go.
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing | 10 | April/May/June 2024

Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024

SUPPLY CHAIN - Six of the Best Methods to Spark Distribution Improvement and Innovation for the Next Decade
CLINICAL TRIALS - Toward More Intelligent Collaboration: Implementing Data in Partnerships
CLINICAL TRIALS - Leveraging Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing in Clinical Data Management
CLINICAL TRIALS - Beat the Clock: How an FSP Model Can Optimize a Follow-the-Sun Approach in Clinical Development Functions
CONTRACT RESEARCH - Elevating Laboratory and Manufacturing Equipment Health With AI-Predicted Health Score
ROUNDTABLE - Pediatric Dosage Forms
SUPPLY CHAIN - Navigating Trends and Challenges Facing Pharmaceutical Supply Chains
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - Cover1
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - Cover2
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 1
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - EDITOR'S MESSAGE
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 3
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 4
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 5
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 7
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - SUPPLY CHAIN - Six of the Best Methods to Spark Distribution Improvement and Innovation for the Next Decade
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 9
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 10
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 11
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - CLINICAL TRIALS - Toward More Intelligent Collaboration: Implementing Data in Partnerships
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 13
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - CLINICAL TRIALS - Leveraging Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing in Clinical Data Management
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 15
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 16
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - CLINICAL TRIALS - Beat the Clock: How an FSP Model Can Optimize a Follow-the-Sun Approach in Clinical Development Functions
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 18
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 19
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - CONTRACT RESEARCH - Elevating Laboratory and Manufacturing Equipment Health With AI-Predicted Health Score
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 21
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 22
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 23
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 25
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - ROUNDTABLE - Pediatric Dosage Forms
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 27
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 28
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 29
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 30
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 31
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - SUPPLY CHAIN - Navigating Trends and Challenges Facing Pharmaceutical Supply Chains
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 33
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 34
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - HORIZON LINES
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 36
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 37
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - INDUSTRY NEWS
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - 39
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - ADVERTISER'S INDEX
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - Cover3
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing Q2 2024 - Cover4