Figure 3. Compression profile (A) and disintegration time (B) of Parteck® Delta M compared to β-mannitol showing increased tablet hardness and disintegration for tablets based on Parteck® Delta M excipient. considered to be a major contributing factor to improved compaction behavior.2 The larger surface area is associated with higher compressibility, which enables the production of harder tablets with shorter disintegration times. MilliporeSigma is currently the only excipient supplier offering the delta (δ) polymorphic form of D(-)-mannitol for pharmaceutical applications. Parteck® Delta M excipient was specifically designed for use in wet granulation. While monographed as a standard mannitol, Parteck® Delta M excipient transforms into the β polymorph during granulation, creating an increased surface area and a porous structure, resulting in increased compressibility. Differences in the compression profile (A) and disintegration (B) of wet granulated Parteck® Delta M excipient compared with standard β-mannitol are shown in Figure 3. Significantly faster disintegration was also observed for formulations based on Parteck® Delta M excipient compared with corresponding formulations with the β modification and correlated with the measured Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas (Figure 4) . Mannitol was granulated with 10% water and dried, and granules larger than 1 mm were removed. The Figure 4. Surface area of δ- versus β-mannitol granulate produced by wet granulation 27