eBook: Raman Imaging in Pharmaceutical Research - 11

The technique can be combined with other imaging
methods in order to obtain complementary
information. Notably, Raman imaging and scanning
electron microscopy can be combined in one
integrated instrument, a RISE microscope, which
acquires Raman and SEM images from the same
sample position. Thus, chemical composition and
high-resolution structural information can be correlated.
The advantages of correlative RISE microscopy
were illustrated by analyzing particles from an
anti-asthma inhaler and TiO2
1. G. P. S. Smith et al. Raman imaging of drug delivery systems. Adv.
Drug Deliv. Rev. 89: 21-41 (2015).
2. T. F. Haefele and K. Paulus, Confocal Raman microscopy in
pharmaceutical development. In: Confocal Raman Microscopy, J.
Toporski, T. Dieing, O. Hollricher (eds.). Springer Series in Surface
Sciences 66, Springer International Publishing AG, 2nd ed., pp.
381-419 (2018).
3. N. Jung and M. Windbergs, Raman spectroscopy in
pharmaceutical research and industry. Phys. Sci. Rev. 3: 20170045
J. JiruĊĦe et al. Integrating focused ion beam-scanning electron
microscope with confocal Raman microscope into a single
instrument. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 32: 06FC03 (2014).
5. U. Schmidt et al. Correlative RISE microscopy: Raman imaging
meets scanning electron probe microscopy. Microscopy and
Analysis 29: 24-27 (2015).
6. ARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to
humans. Volume 93. Carbon black, titanium dioxide, talc. Lyon:
International Agency for Research on Cancer (2010).
Confocal Raman Imaging
Confocal Raman microscopy is a high-resolution
imaging technique that is widely used for the
characterization of materials and specimens in
terms of their chemical composition. The WITec
Raman microscopes and imaging systems combine
an extremely sensitive confocal microscope with
an ultra-high throughput spectroscopy system for
unprecedented chemical sensitivity. Their outstanding
performance in speed, sensitivity and resolution can
be jointly applied without compromises.
Learn more>>>

eBook: Raman Imaging in Pharmaceutical Research

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of eBook: Raman Imaging in Pharmaceutical Research

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