Useful Information Flying Times Flying From UK Orlando 9hrs 10min New
Orleans *11hrs 15min Miami 9hrs 15min San Francisco 10hrs 55min New York
7hrs 50min Los Angeles 11hrs 05min Chicago 8hrs 35min Las Vegas 10hrs
45min Boston 7hrs 15min Hawaii *16hrs 45min Washington 8hrs 05min Internal
Flights New York - Los Angeles 6hrs 10min New York - Miami 2hrs 55min New
York - Las Vegas 5hrs 25min New York - Hawaii 10hrs 40min Los Angeles -
Hawaii 5hrs 30min Los Angeles - Las Vegas 1hr 05min Los Angeles - Chicago
4hrs 05min All flying times are approximate. * indirect flight USA Diary
EVENTS 2007 May February Indianapolis 500 26th-28th Superbowl Final Miami
4th National Parks Mardi Gras New Orleans 20th Oscars Ceremony Los Angeles
25th November New York Marathon 4th March P 114-117 . St. Patrick's Day
Parade New York 17th PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2007 1 January New Year's Day 15
January Martin Luther King Jnr Day The USA is blessed with some of the
most stunning and contrasting scenery in the world, most of which 19
February President's Day can be found inside its many National Parks.
Scenery ranges from cascading waterfalls and dense forests 6 April Good
Friday 8 April Easter Monday filled with wildlife to arid desert and
dramatic canyons and rock formations for you to discover. 28 May Memorial
Day 4 July Independence Day 3 September Labor Day 8 October Columbus Day
11 November Veteran's Day 22 November Thanksgiving 25 December Christmas
Day Passports & Visas
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of America 07