Swell Music - (Page 34)

FILM OUT OF HIS DEPTH The Pencil tracks the mad, tragic tale physical challenge there was the question of Donald Crowhurst, subject of the of spending nine months with ransacked amazing documentary `Deep Water' sleep in a damp world the size of a bedsit. And then yonder, beyond the sun, moon `Deep Water' is the documentary of a and stars - loneliness, unhinging isolation. breakdown; a slow disintegration of the Crowhurst began a deception. His boat human mind set among Earth's most was hopelessly ill prepared and he faked violent waters. But it is also a tale of positions to the race organisers. The deceit beautiful heroism and warped honour, jar red against his upright personality and even though its communion is essentially over time, burdened by guilt and shame, a tragic one. It's the story of amateur he went mad , beginning a dialogue based yachtsman Donald Crowhurst who, in upon a sort of calculus with the cosmos 1968, took part in the first non-stop round itself. It is these crazed entries in his the world boat race. The vessels of the logbooks which led him to his inescapable time had frighteningly crude equipment; and macabre conclusion. `Deep Water' is no global satellite technology or a ghost story as much as a documentary computerized intelligence, just a short thriller. A warning to the curious and the wave radio and a sextant. Aside from the most unusual film of the year. 34 Swell Music

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Swell Music

Swell Xmas Message
We Tip Our Hat
Goundswell - Wonder
The Grill - Nikodemus
Groundswell - Acoustic Ladyland
The Stooges
The Swell Selection
Like what You Hear?
Joanna Newsom
Ghostface Killah
Rude Boys
Deep Water

Swell Music
