Message from the President Ray Wilkinson, C.E.T. It's been amazing to see how our technical professionals have adapted to an online-only presence during this pandemic. In my role as president, I've also been part of the remote working environment by virtually "attending" several online events this spring . In May I "attended" the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) Annual General Meeting held in Toronto. At the start of June I represented ASET at the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia (ASTTBC) Annual General Meeting. The government asked for information on: our application registration process; the documentation we require of applicants; possible streamlining of processes for workers; whether there should be a timeline for a worker's application to be approved; and the implications of introducing labour mobility registration. Our CEO Barry Cavanaugh provided a written submission on this act, explaining how ASET had already specifically addressed it. We returned back to our regular Council meeting schedule with our Council meeting on Friday, 11 September 2020. Later in June I was "present" at the Technology Professionals of Canada (TPC) Leadership Council Meeting. This included the Annual General Meeting for Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC). In July, August and September there were three TPC working group meetings. At these meetings, I worked with the presidents from eight other provincial technology associations to complete plans for our national technology association unification. Alberta's provincial government requested input from ASET on the government's development of a new labour mobility act in legislation. This act would reduce labour mobility barriers for out of province certified workers in regulated occupations. Our response to their request for input included my attending an online discussion session in August. At the discussion, 32 other regulatory organizations' representatives provided information on their work. TECHNOLOGY ALBERTA | FALL 2020 | 7