ASET Technology Alberta Fall 2022 - 39

member profile
 Teresa Mardon has often found her technologist
knowledge to be useful in surprising ways for her
real estate career.
Having her technologist training outfitted Mardon with other
invaluable abilities besides technical training. One of these
is strong problem solving. That comes from the emphasis
on systematic thinking so abundant in technologist training
and practice.
" I've always been a worker bee, " Mardon says. In her eyes,
" that's what ASET was and what ASET is ... a whole bunch
of worker bees that make it work. I mean, if it wasn't for us,
it wouldn't function. "
" I was able to fly through the math components of the program
because I've got a good math background, " she says.
This was far from the last time her training in engineering
technology would help her in a new field.
" I had this technical background, and I could talk to people
from a standpoint of construction, and from design and
from systems. That's what really was the basis of my career, "
she says. Mardon decided to maintain her membership
with ASET, and has stuck with that commitment to this
day. Part of the reason for that is to show where her technical
knowledge and training comes from.
" When I talk to my real estate clients, I come from this background
of engineering and project management, " she says.
" I know I wouldn't have had the success in real estate had I
not had that background. "
Despite outward appearances, Mardon says there are quite
a few under the surface similarities between the technologist
and realtor.
" I'm assisting people in purchasing a home, which is a structural
home. When I walk through the home, I point out to them
what's wrong with the house immediately, " she explains.
" When we have our inspections on homes, the chances
that the buyer isn't going to complete the deal because of
the inspection failing is quite limited because I've already
walked through the house with them, " she says. " I say to
them, 'That's okay. I'm an engineering technologist. I'm accredited;
Trust me.' It's like I have a little bit more knowledge
than the average bear. "
This worker bee mentality has served Mardon well. In 21 of
the 22 years she's been practicing realty, she's been in the
top five per cent of all Edmonton real estate agents. Pondering
the reason for this success, Mardon points to that problem-solving
piece as integral. " It's cutting all of that fluff and
all of that mustard, and just doing the work, and not being
afraid of when things fly at you, to problem solve. I would have
never been able to get there without the training, " she holds.
While the skills and knowledge of the C.E.T. have played a
big role in Mardon's continuing ASET membership, a large
part comes back to that communal pride of being part of a
bigger something.
" Like my dad said, there's just something about belonging to
an organization, and there's something about sticking with
it, " Mardon says. " You've got to be part of something, and
you've got to stick with things. You never know how it's gonna
come forward. And my dad would have been so proud. "
In the wake of her 30-year ASET membership recognition,
Mardon emphasizes the importance of the work carried out
by every member in the ranks.
" I think it's important that we
acknowledge as ASET members
that what we do is important.
It's really important, and never
to be minimized, " she says.
" There's respect that comes
behind having credentials, and
never doubt that. It's even more
so now. It's so important, so
just stick with it. "

ASET Technology Alberta Fall 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASET Technology Alberta Fall 2022

Table of Contents
ASET Technology Alberta Fall 2022 - Cover1
ASET Technology Alberta Fall 2022 - Cover2
ASET Technology Alberta Fall 2022 - 3
ASET Technology Alberta Fall 2022 - Table of Contents
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ASET Technology Alberta Fall 2022 - Cover3