ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 7


All in this Together
Barry Cavanaugh


he price of oil - and its impact on Albertans - will be a
conversation for the foreseeable future. ASET members
with once endless career opportunities are watching large
companies sell off and leave Alberta for more appealing investments.
Rather than blame or lament, what can ASET do, right now, for
members caught in the economic quicksand? The plight of ASET's
unemployed or underemployed members is not someone else's
problem. As a Regulator, we cannot operate solely for the outright
benefit of our members; however, we can't stand aside and watch
as hundreds of our members struggle through factors beyond
their control. ASET moved on from the low price of oil nearly a year
ago and has been working on possible opportunities in this new
reality. So what are some of the things we're doing to try to make
a difference?

Start a new business
ASET hosted a regional event in Edmonton with organizations who
specialize in helping others start their businesses. ASET members
bring a very unique technical skillset to the table, but starting a
business is intimidating and costly. More information coming out
of this event was sent to all members in the June issue of TechLink.

Work abroad
ASET hosted a regional event in Calgary on working abroad. ASET
professionals are coveted abroad for their world-class training,
professionalism, patience and adherence to workplace safety.
Working in another country with a completely different culture,
though, comes with significant challenges. ASET is bringing
information and connections to our members. More information
on this is also in the June issue of TechLink and more information
on preparing to work abroad will be sent to members later this year.

Consider work in similar disciplines
Although the petroleum and manufacturing sectors are being hit
hard, there are opportunities in other disciplines which may fit
the competencies of unemployed members. ASET has started
partnering with other organizations that see the connections
between the petroleum sector and their industries, to advance
such matches.

and consonants that follow your name. Being a C.E.T. may soon
become a minimum requirement, so we need to ensure that
unemployed members can afford to keep their certification until
they get back on their feet. ASET reduces dues dramatically for
members who are unemployed.

Career Centre
The ASET Career Centre has maintained activity throughout these
tough years. One might ask why an employer would pay for a job
posting when there are tens of thousands of potential applicants.
The answer is simple; they want a short list of excellent candidates.
ASET will continue promoting the Career Centre as a place for
information for applicants and employers. Take a look at the site,
and consider posting your resume.

Work with industry
ASET staff will continue to keep in contact with human resource
professionals across the province and across the public and
private sectors. Hiring a Certified Engineering Technologist tells
employers they have someone highly qualified, ethical and insured.
This message is simple for those reading right now, but we must
continue to promote and advance ASET's regulated engineering
and geoscience technologists.
So... Is this perfect? No. Will these initiatives guarantee success?
No... but we had to start somewhere and simply standing still
is never an option for ASET. ASET Council is firmly behind the
members, and determined to support you.
I will leave you with one final thought on mentoring. In times like
these, and as bad as things may be for Alberta and for many of
our members, we are proud and inspired to see a steady increase
in mentoring, and in solidarity among our ranks. Think about
this: those same members who may have real concerns for their
own professional futures are stepping up more and more to help
younger or new technologists start their careers. This speaks
powerfully to the selflessness, professionalism and steadiness
that has defined ASET and its members for decades since 1963.
In that very spirit, we are all in this together, and we will all lift one
another up. 

Unemployment support
Alberta's job market will remain extremely competitive for the
foreseeable future. Your ASET Council understands that the hard
earned certification of members is vital as they navigate through
the job hunting process. We know that the vowels and consonants
of your first and last name are not as important as the vowels

Barry Cavanaugh



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017

Table of Contents
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - Cover1
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - Cover2
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 3
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - Table of Contents
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 5
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 6
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 7
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 8
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 9
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 10
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 11
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 12
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 13
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 14
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 15
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 16
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 17
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 18
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 19
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 20
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 21
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 22
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 23
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 24
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 25
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 26
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 27
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 28
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 29
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 30
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 31
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 32
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 33
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - 34
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - Cover3
ASET Technology Alberta Spring 2017 - Cover4