A 1.866.843.0033 HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION NA SERIES - ADVANCED HMI ACCESSORIES PART NO. SPECIFICATIONS NA-12WATW01 PRICE This metal frame is for high-pressure waterproofing. Install it to conform to UL Type 4X standards. UL Type 4X is the rating for high-pressure wash-down applications with a flow rate of 246 liter/min. This attachment can be used for the NA5-@W, but not for the NA5-@U. NA-9WATW01 NA-7WATW01 PRODUCT NAME Anti-reflection Sheets $55.80 $52.20 $48.60 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL PRICE For the NA5-15W. Attach a Sheet to the screen to protect against diffused reflections and dirt. The entire Sheet is colorless and transparent. Five Sheets are provided in one set. NA-15WKBA04 $112.50 For the NA5-12W. Attach a Sheet to the screen to protect against diffused reflections and dirt. The entire Sheet is colorless and transparent. Five Sheets are provided in one set. NA-12WKBA04 $103.50 For the NA5-9W. Attach a Sheet to the screen to protect against diffused reflections and dirt. The entire Sheet is colorless and transparent. Five Sheets are provided in one set. NA-9WKBA04 $90.00 For the NA5-7W. Attach a Sheet to the screen to protect against diffused reflections and dirt. The entire Sheet is colorless and transparent. Five Sheets are provided in one set. NA-7WKBA04 $80.10 Automation Software PART NO SYSMAC-STUDIO-1USER PRODUCT NAME SPECIFICATIONS LICENCES MEDIA PRICE Sysmac Studio Standard Edition Ver.1.@@ The Sysmac Studio is the software that provides an integrated environment for setting, programming, debugging and maintenance of machine automation controllers including the NJ/NX Series, EtherCAT Slave, and the HMI. Sysmac Studio runs on the following OS. Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or higher, 32-bit version) / Windows Vista (32-bit version) / Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit version) / Windows 8 (32-bit/64-bit version) / Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit version) 1 DVD $3,478.50 Note: Site licenses are available for users who will run Sysmac Studio on multiple computers. Ask your OMRON sales representative for details. See Page A30 For Addtional Software Information Programing Accessories: NA HMI PART NO DESCRIPTION PRICE XS6W-6LSZH8SS500CM RJ45 PROGRAMING CABLE 5M $27.90 HMC-SD291 2GB SD Card $374.00 HMC-SD491 4GB SD Card $629.00 CBL-USB A/B-2M USB Programing Cable $27.90 WEBLINK A1030 For Final Product Selection & Options Visit www.aztecsupply.com A30 a z tec s u p p l y. co mhttps://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-NA12WATW01 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-NA9WATW01 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-NA7WATW01 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-NA15WKBA04 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-NA12WKBA04 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-NA9WKBA04 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-NA7WKBA04 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-SYSMACSTUDIO1USER https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-HMCSD291 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-HMCSD491 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-CBLUSBAB2M http://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com