E 1.866.843.0033 BARCODE VISION BARCODE VISION A B F E D C A - FH Controller C - Camera Cable E - Touch Panel B - Camera D - Light F A FH CONTROLLERS Select a controller based on the required processing speed and network.All controllers can connect to any camera. PART NO. CPU NO. OF CAMERAS FIELDBUS Standard Controllers (2 core) 8 EtherNet IP, EtherCat 8 NPN/PNP $12,109.50 Lite Controllers (2 core) 4 Ethernet IP 1 NPN/PNP $5,017.50 Lite Controllers (2 core) 2 Ethernet IP 1 NPN/PNP $4,257.00 DESCRIPTION FH-1050-20 FH-L550-10 Box Type Controls FH-L550 B - I / O Cable NO. OF OUTPUT TRIGGERS PRICE CAMERAS Choose the right camera to suit your resolution requirements. Easy-to-use cameras with built-in light are also available. PART NO. DESCRIPTION COLOUR / MONOCHROME RESOLUTION PRICE FZ-SC COLOUR CAMERA Colour 300.000 pixels $1,700.00 C-MOUNT LENS C-mount Lens for 2/3-inch image sensor Visit page E5 for more lens selection C PART NO. DIMENSIONS FOCAL LENGTH APERTURE ( F NO.) PRICE 3Z4S-LE SV-1614H 16 mm M27.0 P0.5 2/3 in $515.00 CAMERA CABLES The cable line-up includes handy bend-resistant cables and right-angle cables. Use the FZ-VSJ Cable Extension Unit for further extension of the cable. PART NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE FZ-VS3 5M Camera Cable: 5m $515.00 WEBLINK E104 For Final Product Selection & Options Visit aztecsupply.com E4 a z tec s u p p l y. co mhttps://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-FH105020 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-FHL55010 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-FHL550 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-FZSC http://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com