F 1.866.843.0033 PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS LIMIT SWITCHES & SENSORS REFLECTORS Reflectors required for Retro-reflective Sensors: A Reflector is not provided with the Sensor. Be sure to order a Reflector separately. PART NO. E39-R1S E39-RP1 SENSOR SENSING DISTANCE E3FA-R _ 1 E3FB-R _ 1 0.1 to 4 m E3FA-R _ 2 E3FB-R _ 2 0 to 500 mm E3FA-B _ 1 E3FB-B _ 1 100 to 500 mm E3FA-B _ 2 E3FB-B _ 2 0.1 to 2 m APPEARANCE QUANTITY REMARKS PRICE 1 for E3FA-R _ , E3RA-R _ , E3FB-R _ and E3RB-R _ $20.80 1 for E3FA-B _ and E3FB-B _ $38.40 MOUNTING BRACKETS A Mounting Bracket is not enclosed with the Sensor. Order a Mounting Bracket separately if required. PART NO. SENSOR E39-L183 (SUS304) E39-L182 (POM) APPEARANCE QUANTITY REMARKS PRICE All Types 1 Mounting Bracket $5.96 E3FA- _ E3RA- _ 1 Flush Mounting Bracket $5.96 SENSOR I/O CONNECTORS Models for Connectors: A Connector is not provided with the Sensor. Be sure to order a Connector separately. PART NO CONNECTION CABLE TYPE INFO WIRE/POSITION LENGTH PRICE 1681868 1681897 FEMALE M8 Straight 4 WIRE/POSITION 5 METRES $10.35 FEMALE M8 Right-Angled 4 WIRE/POSITION 5 METRES $10.72 1536308 1536421 FEMALE M12 Straight 4 WIRE/POSITION 5 METRES $13.89 FEMALE M12 Right-Angled 4 WIRE/POSITION 5 METRES $13.89 WEBLINK F1036 For Final Product Selection & Options Visit www.aztecsupply.com F36 a z tec s u p p l y. co mhttps://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-E39R1S https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-E39RP1 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-E39L183 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7305-E39L182 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7612-1681868 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7612-1681897 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7612-1536308 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7612-1536421 http://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com