1.866.843.0033 PROXIMITY SENSOR LIMIT SWITCHES & SENSORS ANGLE BRACKET Select multi-slotted RAB models for maximum sensor adjustment without shimming and machinery modifications, or specify AB type brackets that limit adjustment potential. * Multi-slotted or limited adjustability models * Brackets are sized proportionally to sensor * Zinc-plated CRS or 303 stainless steel * Eliminate design hassles, source from our stock * Easy to use with positioning flexiblity * Industry standard mounting footprints PART NO A B C D 31.8 RAB-08 8.10 (.319) 25.4 (1.00) (1.25) E F 15.9 (.625) 7.14 (.281) 19.0 31.8 9.83 (.387) 7.62 (.300) 7.95 (.313) (.749) (1.25) $7.50 7.92 (.312) 22.2 34.8 (.875) (1.37) 14.0 (.550) 12.7 (.500) 11.4 (.450) $5.40 19.1(.750) 15.9 (.625) 15.9 (.625) $4.05 10.3 (.406) 30.9 44.5 23.0 (.907) 19.1 (.750) 21.4 (.843) (1.22) (1.75) $4.05 RAB-12 12.1 (.476) 38.1 (1.50) 38.1 5.54 19.1 (.750) (1.50) (.218) RAB-18 18.1 (.713) 50.8 (2.00) 44.5 (1.75) RAB-30 30.1 (.319) 63.5 (2.50) 57.2 7.13 34.8 (1.37) (2.25) (.281) 25.4 (1.00) G H I J K PRICE CUSHIONED SENSOR MOUNTS The chart at left is for round, threaded models and the bottom chart for block-style models. In each case, model numbers with an "N" after the sensor thread size are for nonshielded sensors and correspond with figures on the right below each chart. Caps are plastic and mount SIZEs are anodized aluminum or stainless steel. For stainless steel mounts, add an "SS" to the end of the model number (accept model numbers SN-12-LP and SN-12N-LP, which are available only in stainless and do not require the "SS") "O" in each table signifies the total allowable overtravel PART NO A B E F G H SN-12 M12 x1 M22 x 1.5 4.06 0.51 (0.16) (0.02) C D 28.6 (1.12) 22.9 (0.90) 6.35 (0.25) 22.1 (0.87) SN-18 M18 x1 M30 x 1.5 5.10 0.76 (0.20) (0.03) 35.8 (1.41) 29.7 (1.17) 8.38 (0.33) 29.7 (1.17) I J O PRICE - - 10.4 (0.41) $54.60 - - 12.4 (0.49) $48.50 WEBLINK F1041 For Final Product Selection & Options Visit www.aztecsupply.com a z tec su pply. com F F41https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7655-RAB08 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7655-RAB12 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7655-RAB18 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7655-RAB30 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7655-SN12 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V7655-SN18 http://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com