1.866.843.0033 PNEUMATIC AUTOMATION PNEUMATIC AUTOMATION CONVERSION TABLES 1 bar = 14.5 psi 1 psi = 6.9 KPa BAR KPA PSI 0.5 7 1 100 1 6.9 1 15 2 200 2 13.8 1.5 22 3 300 3 20.7 2 29 4 400 4 27.6 2.5 36 5 500 5 34.5 3 44 6 600 6 41.4 3.5 51 7 700 7 48.3 KPA 4 58 8 800 8 55.2 4.5 65 9 900 9 62.1 5 73 10 1000 10 68.9 5.5 80 11 1100 11 75.8 6 87 12 1200 12 82.7 6.5 94 13 1300 13 89.6 7 102 14 1400 14 96.5 7.5 109 15 1500 15 10.3 8 116 16 1600 16 11.0 8.5 123 17 1700 17 11.7 9 131 18 1800 18 12.4 9.5 138 19 1900 19 13.1 10 145 20 2000 20 13.8 NO W ? O UK 1 bar = 100 KPa PSI BAR DID Y G G-THREAD OR R-THREAD * * * * * G-threads have a cylindrical form in accordance with EN-ISO 228-1 R-threads have a conical form in accordance with EN 10226 In the case of a thread size 1/8", for example, the threads are specified as G1/8 or R1/8. The following rules must be adhered to when using a combination of G and R-threads: Male G-threads (cylindrical) can only be screwed into female G-threads. Male R-threads (conical) can be screwed into female G or R-threads. What are the dimensions of Whitworth pipe threads? 1 inch equals 25.4 mm. However, this conversion does not apply to pipe threads. ALL AZTEC LOCATIONS ARE FESTO STOCKING CENTERS. visit aztecsupply.com or call 905-761-7762 WEBLINK G1030 For Final Product Selection & Options Visit www.aztecsupply.com G30 a z tec s u p p l y. co mhttp://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com