1.866.843.0033 FUSES CIRCUIT BREAKERS REDUCE FUSE INVENTORY THE LOW-PEAK™ UPGRADE PROGRAM ENHANCE SAFETY AND RELIABILITY WHILE REDUCING FUSE INVENTORY Eaton's Bussmann® series Low-PeakTM Upgrade program leverages our ultimate protection fuses to deliver enhanced safety, improved system reliability and a simplified inventory. With just three simple steps, it's easier than ever to improve your circuit protection while reducing your fuse inventory and cost. What's more, you'll save time and increase productivity - all by using Low-Peak fuses. Let our team of experts walk you through the audit, analysis and implementation of a Low-Peak Upgrade and start realizing savings today Enhance safety * Superior currentlimitation helps reduce arc flash hazards. * Interrupting ratings up to 300kA for high fault currents. * Helps achieve code compliance with OSHA, NFPA® and IEEE®. Improve system reliability * Type 2 "no damage" motor starter protection reduces downtime. * Optional fuse indication to speed troubleshooting. * Easily meet selective coordination requirements with 2:1 amp ratio with any fuse in the Bussmann series Low-Peak family. Bussmann series Low-Peak Upgrade program couples the industry's most advanced fusible circuit protection with our extensive technical knowledge. Simplify inventory * One Bussmann series Low-Peak fuse can replace multiple fuses in a variety of applications. Three simple steps to ultimate protection: 1. Audit 2. Analyze 3. Implement Throughout the Bussmann series Low-Peak Upgrade process, you'll have a dedicated team that includes a Bussmann series product authorized distributor and sales representative. Together, they will walk you through the three steps of the program, making it as easy and effortless for you as possible. Low-Peak Upgrade LP-CC EXISTING FUSE A6Y BLF FLM ABU BLN FLQ MCL AGU CCMR FNM MEN KTK-R ATDR CM FNQ MEQ ATM CMF GGU MOF ATMR CNM HCLR MOL ATQ CNQ KLK OTM BAF CTK KLK-R TRM BAN CTK-R KTK 6JX Replace 36 fuses with one fuse WEBLINK P103 For Final Product Selection & Options Visit aztecsupply.com aztec su pply.com P P3http://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com