P 1.866.843.0033 FUSES CIRCUIT BREAKERS Bussmann series fuse cross reference and Low-Peak Upgrade The left column represents the part number for the Bussmann series and competitor products. The right column represents the Low-Peak Upgrade, which offers superior performance while reducing the number of SKUs that need to be in stock. Bussmann series Low-Peak fuses feature a high degree of current limitation, which will provide the best component protection and help mitigate arc flash hazard. This list is a consolidated cross reference. For a much more extensive database, please consult the competitor cross-reference search engine online. 250 Volt Class R Low-Peak Upgrade EXISTING FUSE LPN-RK_SP A2D L CRN-R (type 3) ECN GDN LLN-RK RFN A2D-R CTN-R ECN-R HAC-R LON-RK RHN A2K DEN ERN HB NCLR RLN A2K-R DLN FLN KLN-R NLN TR FLN-R KON NON 655 A2Y (type 1) AT-DE FRN KTN-R NRN 660 CHG FRN-R LENRK OTN 10KOTN FTN-R LKN REN 50KOTN DLN-R Replace 44 fuses with one fuse Low-Peak Upgrade 600 Volt Class R LPS-RK_SP EXISTING FUSE A6D ERS LES RFS A6K-R FLS LES-R RHS A6X (type 1) FLS-R LES-RK RLS ATS-DE FRS LKS SCLR CHR FRS-R LLS-RK TRS CTS-R FTS-R LOS-RK TRS-R DES GDS NLS 656 DES-R HA NOS 10KOTS DLS KLS-R NRS 50KOTS DLS-R KOS OTS ECS-R KTS-R RES Replace 42 fuses with one fuse WEBLINK P104 For Final Product Selection & Options Visit aztecsupply.com P4 a z tec s u p p l y. co mhttp://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com