X 1.866.843.0033 STACKLIGHTS & SOUNDERS CONTROL AUDIBLES MODEL 350 VIBRATONE® HORNS Designed for routine signaling FEATURES: * Range of up to 200 feet * Coded or sustained tones * Available in - 12, 24, 120 and 240VAC * Produces 100dBA at 10' * Type 4X when installed with Panel Mount Gasket Kit or Weatherproof Backbox (Model WB); Type 4X and Type 12 when installed with Surface Mount Trim Ring * (Model TR) * UL and cUL Listed, CSA Certified and FM Approved ORDERING INFORMATION: DECIBELS @ PART NO OPERATING VOLTAGE OPERATING CURRENT 350-012-30 12VAC 50/60Hz 0.90 amps 94 104 $134.59 350-024-30 24VAC 50/60Hz 0.90 amps 100 110 $134.59 350-120-30 120VAC 50-60Hz 0.18 amps 100 110 $134.59 10' PRICE 1m MODEL 450E VIBRATONE® ELECTRONIC HORNS Designed for routine signaling and fire alarm use FEATURES: * Fire Regulated 16-33VDC General Purpose Signal 1224VDC * User supplied coded or sustained tones * No duty cycle or interval limitations * 99dBA at 10' on axis * Four wire terminal block and supervisory diode * Type 4X when installed with Panel Mount Gasket (included) or optional Non-metallic Weatherproof Backbox (Model WB-NM) * Marine Rated * UL Fire Listed, ULC Fire Listed and CSFM Approved * UL and cUL Listed PART NO VOLTAGE CURRENT 450E-024 Fire Regulated 16-33VDC 0.25 amps DECIBELS UL 464 DECIBELS ON AXIS 10' 1m 10' 1m 90 109 99 109 PRICE $199.26 ACCESSORIES: PART NO DESCRIPTION PRICE WB Cast aluminum neoprene-gasketed weatherproof housing for outside use, complete with mounting lugs; tapped for 1/2", 3/4" conduit; 43/8" square box; 2" deep mounting lugs on 41/2" centers; shipping weight 1 lb. (0.45 kg) $57.46 WEBLINK X111 For Final Product Selection & Options Visit aztecsupply.com X14 a z tec s u p p l y. co mhttps://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V4412-35001230 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V4412-35002430 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V4412-35012030 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V4412-4.5E+27 https://aztecelectrical.xologic.com/sku-V4412-WB http://www.aztecsupply.com http://www.aztecsupply.com