the In This Issue PRODUCER Vol. 85 No. 9 28 31 32 36 40 44 47 50 PRODUCERPROFILE New board member likes to think outside the box when contemplating industry’s future RESEARCH Adding omega-3 acids to cheese and yogurt could lead to more consumer product offerings Throughout September, more than 910,000 milk servings will be delivered to students enrolled in Ontario’s elementary school milk program to commemorate WSMD. ENVIRONMENTALISSUES Ontario proposes putting new washwater regulations under Nutrient Management Act RUMINATIONS Researchers test new technology that offers faster information to improve milk production APPLIEDSCIENCE Treating common post-calving disorder could boost your herd’s reproductive performance MARKETS P5 consultation requested for early fall to discuss quota levels NEW’N’NOTED Industry experts share expertise at World Dairy Expo 2009 momentum builds for fundraiser BACKFORTY American cheese sclupture and navy vet tie the knot surrounded by cheese 24 World School Milk Day Ontario’s dairy industry once again gives out free milk to elementary students across the province Cover photo by David Barr 4 6 8 18 22 EDITOR’SNOTES Your survey responses provide us with valuable insight into how you feel about several issues DFOCHAIR’SMESSAGE Monitoring our production is crucial as we try and balance milk supplies with demand DAIRYUPDATE Harmonization proceeds dairy receipts go up stray voltage regulations FCC loans increase FARMFINANCE Prepare early to minimize impact new harmonized sales tax will have on your cash flow DFCPROMOTION DFC launches enhanced junior education programs cheese magazine flies off shelves 18 28 14 MilkPRODUCER | September 2009 | 3
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Milk Producer - September 2009