the PRODUCER In This Issue Vol. 85 No. 12 20 8 26 Seven Issues That Matter Our cover story looks at seven issues that could shape key aspects of our industry during 2010 31 33 34 38 44 47 50 HERDHEALTH Provincial Johne’s prevention program set to launch January 2010 4 6 8 20 22 24 EDITOR’SNOTES Dairy farmers elsewhere don’t get the same share of consumer’s dollar RESEARCH New indexes help farmers select cattle with strong reproductive performance DFOCHAIR’SMESSAGE Let us take this time of year to be thankful and make use of networking opportunities APPLIEDSCIENCE Design of freestalls plays key role in reducing your cows lameness risk DAIRYUPDATE Local food wanted butterfat could help treat infertility Atlantic province gets money for forage RUMINATIONS Emerging new technology that can help you farm beter to be explored at coming conference INDUSTRYROUNDUP Farm organization celebrates diverse nature of Ontario’s farmers MARKETS Quota reduction to help curb production takes effect DFCPROMOTION Promoting family mealtimes and nutritious eating at core of DFC’s 2010 calendar NEW’N’NOTED Slat rubber system improves animal cleanliness BouMatic launches sustainable product line OFFICEMANAGEMENT An organized office can go a long way toward improving efficiency and morale BACKFORTY New survey reveals Canadians aren’t consuming enough of four food groups MilkPRODUCER | December 2009 | 3
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Milk Producer - December 2009