the In This Issue PRODUCER Vol. 86 No. 2 40 8 24 26 Quest for Quota Market growth initiatives seen as one way to help ease pressure 32 34 36 40 44 47 50 ISSUESUPDATE CanWest DHI marks major milestone by achieving long-term goal 4 6 8 19 20 24 EDITOR’SNOTES Weathering the recession relatively unscathed reflects strength of Canadian dairy industry RESEARCH Identifying genes that offer Johne’s disease resistance may lead to improved treatment DFOCHAIR’SMESSAGE Patience and understanding is needed as we work through new quota policy transition APPLIEDSCIENCE New farm management tool can improve calf care and industry image DAIRYUPDATE Lab service put to the test CQM rollout begins federal government invests in dairy genetics RUMINATIONS Revolutionary imaging technology takes guesswork out of body condition scoring DFCPOLICY Code of Practice ensures your farm’s dairy cattle care procedures are top notch MARKETS Product innovation program gets picked up by processors INDUSTRYROUNDUP Eastern Breeders Inc. makes important move to ensure better regional representation NEW’N’NOTED Progressive farm visits highlighted at conference alley scraper stands up to wear and tear DFCPROMOTION DFC puts more focus into getting women to cook with more cream BACKFORTY Popular Twitter phenomenon attracts technologically savvy cows MilkPRODUCER | February 2010 | 3
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Milk Producer - February 2010