MEC GREEN ROOF IN THE SPRING OF 2019 Photo Courtesy Eric Durnford CONCLUSION The test results clearly show that the green roof protected the waterproofing, as the SBS in the waterproofing were almost as good as new. While it is not possible to give a precise estimate on the extended life expectancy of the waterproofing, to say that it doubles it seems to be a very timid assumption since after 22 years, the covered sample was almost exactly the same as a new SBS modified bitumen membrane. What we can take from this testing, is that a green roof does indeed protect the waterproofing and that the MEC sampling proves it. This green roof also helped pave the way for many more installations, standardizing the green roof in the building envelope design as well as helping in the adoption of the Toronto Green Roof By-Law. The MEC green roof role in helping develop the industry, and now these sample tests from the first generation of extensive green roofs in North America demonstrate the value of this historical project, the leadership that made it happened and the waterproofing benefits of the technology. The cut test results at MEC validate the benefits of a protected waterproofing and can only add to the long list of benefits that green roofs bring to buildings, their occupants and the surrounding urban environment. ROXANNE MILLER REMOVES GREEN ROOF LAYERS TO PERFORM MEMBRANE CUT TEST Roxanne Miller is a landscape architect and green roof specialist with Soprema Canada. Video link to cut test procedure can be found at LIVING ARCHITECTURE MONITOR / SPRING 2020 / 18 LIVINGARCHITECTUREMONITOR.COM http://www.LIVINGARCHITECTUREMONITOR.COM