OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - 28

We urge the government to implement policies that encourage the participation of under-represented groups in the workplace by:
a. Addressing the wage gap.
OSPE's census analysis revealed that the wage gap between men and women working in engineering was 12% or $11,000 annually. Ontario has
introduced robust legislation intended to tackle the gender wage gap through the Pay Equity Act, however, there is an insufficient accountability
mechanism within this legislative tool. Further, the wage gap for other under-represented groups should also be assessed and mechanisms
similar to those developed for gender, be introduced. The government must create accountable and enforceable tools to truly address
this issue.
b. Reducing the burden of unpaid care.
Research shows that caregivers continue to face the brunt of responsibilities in Canadian homes and has been cited as one reason for
women leaving the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since women's inclusion in the workforce began during the last century,
caregiving responsibilities now impacts all professionals regardless of gender - including engineering graduates and engineers - limiting
career progression. Investing in access to affordable and quality childcare and eldercare could be an important factor in determining the
participation, attachment, and retention of professionals in the labour market. Specifically, as the population of senior citizens is expected to
double to 4.5 million in Canada by 2041, it is important that the government implement programs to support all caregivers, perhaps through tax
credits, that facilitate household outsourcing of child and elder care.
c. Investing in robust labour market analysis.
In a data driven economy it is imperative that the provincial government continue to make investments in data collection, analysis, and
evaluation. For the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) sectors, most data pertaining to the unique experiences of equity
seeking groups in the Canadian labour market focuses on gender. This remains consistent during the current crisis. It is therefore important to
expand labour market analysis to be more inclusive and to ensure that reliable data is available to inform both private and public sector
responses to the barriers impacting all underrepresented groups in engineering and other STEM professions.
d. Encouraging diverse and inclusive workplace practices.
Organizations must demonstrate a real commitment to diversity and inclusion through their workplace practices to access public funding. A
revision of current funding frameworks to include specific measurable requirements from organizations seeking to access public funding should
be included to ensure accountability. We encourage the government to look at workplace policies and practices, representation, commitment to
inclusive design and/or diverse supply chains when determining eligibility.



OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government

OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - Cover1
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OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - Cover4