OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - 8

According to the Windfall Centre, if EVs were to reach a 10% share of the total vehicle population by 2025, Ontario would experience a
GDP increase of over $3.6 billion. Ontario would benefit from a growing industry that would be modern, efficient, and create new employment opportunities across the province.
The government also has the opportunity of electrifying its public bus fleet. Investments in electric public transport have an amplified
positive impact since the vehicles run several hours per day. For individual consumers, EVs cost a quarter of the price to drive than gas
vehicles. This means, the average Canadian driver, who travels 20,000km per year, would save as much as $2,000 per year on fuel
alone. Further to this, Ontario still has access to skilled talent despite closures of automotive manufacturing plants over the last few years.
As Ontario historically has been a leader in automotive manufacturing, now is the time to ensure that we leverage our engineering and
manufacturing expertise to supply the next generation of electric vehicles.
Despite all these benefits, the Ontario Government cancelled the EV incentive program, which resulted in a 53% decrease of EV purchases in the first half of 2019. Ontario is the only province in Canada not experiencing an increase in EV sales. With the current pandemic, the
government has the opportunity of rectifying this decision, and supporting a clean growing sector right here in our province.
Some of the uptake barriers encountered with EVs, such as a shorter range, longer recharge times, and a higher upfront cost, can be addressed by smart government action. Some jurisdictions, like California, have committed to achieving a "tipping point" of electric vehicle
adoption by enacting EV sale mandates requiring automakers to sell a specified number of EVs per year, as percentage of sales. In Quebec, such action has resulted in a 131% percent increase in one year.
To ensure Ontario accelerates the electrification of its transportation system, the province should:
a) Work with the federal and municipal governments to allocate specific resources to the electrification of the public
transportation system.
b) Develop and implement an incentive program for electric vehicles, until mass adoption "tipping point" is achieved.
c) Enact an EV sales mandate like the ones established in Quebec and California, requiring automakers to sell a minimum percent	
age of electric vehicles.
d) Permit free or discounted access for EVs to all tolled highways in Ontario.
e) Establish a robust network of electric vehicle charging stations across Ontario.
f) Amend the Building Code to ensure that there is a minimum percentage of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE)
in residential and non-residential buildings, including condo and apartment buildings.



OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government

OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - Cover1
OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - 1
OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - 2
OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - 3
OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - 4
OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - 5
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OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - 8
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OSPE - COVID-19 Economic Recovery Recommendations - Provincial Government - Cover4