Exclusive group rates. Exclusively for you. Choosing The Personal for your home and auto insurance means you'll get exclusive group rates just for being a member of Ontario Society of Professional Engineers . You could save over $680 by switching your & insurance to us.* Get a quote and save. 1-888-476-8737 ospe.thepersonal.com Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions may apply. The Personal refers to The Personal Insurance Company. Savings and discounts are subject to eligibility conditions and may vary by jurisdiction. Rates and discounts are subject to change without notice. Auto Insurance is not available in MB, SK and BC due to government‑run plans. * Based upon the responses of policyholders of The Personal in a survey conducted between July 26 and September 7, 2017, who switched their home and auto insurance from another insurer between May 2016 and July 2017. Average savings amount reported by the policyholders was $724. Savings amounts are not guaranteed and will vary depending upon your underwriting information.http://ospe.thepersonal.com