The Voice - Summer 2021 - 21

Shivani Nathoo, EIT
Independent Electricity System
Operator (IESO)
What does your job consist of, and how do you use
engineering in your work?
I am a Power System Planning Analyst on the Demand
Forecasting team at the Independent Electricity System
Operator. Our team uses a systems perspective to see
the impact of drivers such as population, technology and
behaviour on Ontario-wide demand. Our team is responsible
for producing Ontario's provincial electricity demand
forecasts from the day-ahead time frame to the 20-year time
frame. My focus is on the medium to long term time frames,
supporting the development of the IESO's Annual Planning
Outlook, Reliability Outlook, and regional planning work.
Electricity demand is always evolving. For example,
during the pandemic, we saw residential sector demand
increase because more people were at home during the
day, using electricity intensive appliances such as air
conditioning units. That's what I find exciting about my
job - it's constantly changing. Whether it's people using
their existing appliances differently, as we have seen this
past year, or new technologies entering the market, the
sector is evolving at a rapid pace. On the supply side we're
seeing new types of generation and storage. On the demand
and consumer side, we are also seeing changes with new
technologies such as electric vehicles and heat pumps. As
a forecaster, it's important to understand how different
technologies work, the amount of electricity they use, what
time of day they are used, and how long they are typically
used for so that we can accurately address the impact they
will have on Ontario's demand. My engineering background
helps me understand how the different technologies work
together to make up Ontario's total demand, and allows me
to see what changes are on the horizon and what the result
of those changes will be.
Why are you an OSPE member/why do you think the
work OSPE does is important?
The work OSPE does is important because it provides
a platform to address issues and innovate across the
profession. Engineers work in a variety of different fields
and for countless companies, but there are commonalities in
the challenges that we face. OSPE allows us to come together
as a profession, exchange ideas, and speak up for changes
that we think should happen within engineering or within
society as a whole.
What issues in the profession are most important to
you? What should OSPE focus on?
To me, improving equity, diversity, and inclusion within
engineering is the most important issue that the profession
is facing. As a society, we're facing a lot of different
challenges today, including climate change, improving
healthcare, economic recovery, as well as supporting
sustainable global development. Many argue that we can't
tackle equity, diversity, and inclusion within society until
we solve those other problems. However, I believe that
improving EDI is the key to solving those other problems.
Studies have continuously shown that diverse teams
produce better results, and yield better ideas since teams
can capitalize on the different viewpoints of team members.
Today's challenges are complex, and will require complex
solutions. Improving EDI in engineering will improve our
outcomes and better prepare us to meet the challenges that
lie ahead.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self not to be afraid of speaking
up and voicing my ideas and opinions. As a woman in
engineering, I often felt intimidated by the male-dominated
culture of STEM and was quiet and reserved. Once I started
talking more and engaging with my peers I realized that my
viewpoint is valuable, and that a lot of other young women
felt the same way. Today I try to speak up to bring a voice
to those afraid to use theirs, and to inspire others to do the
June 2021 THE VOICE

The Voice - Summer 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Voice - Summer 2021

Table of Contents
The Voice - Summer 2021 - Cover1
The Voice - Summer 2021 - Cover2
The Voice - Summer 2021 - Table of Contents
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 4
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 5
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 6
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 7
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 8
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 9
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 10
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 11
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 12
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 13
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 14
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 15
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 16
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 17
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 18
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 19
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 20
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 21
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 22
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 23
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 24
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 25
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 26
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 27
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 28
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 29
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 30
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 31
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 32
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 33
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 34
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 35
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 36
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 37
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 38
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 39
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 40
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 41
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 42
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 43
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 44
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 45
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 46
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 47
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 48
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 49
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 50
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 51
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 52
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 53
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 54
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 55
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 56
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 57
The Voice - Summer 2021 - 58
The Voice - Summer 2021 - Cover3
The Voice - Summer 2021 - Cover4