OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 7


Diversity is a word we hear often in just
about every facet of Canadian society. It
has become a term synonymous with the
aspirational direction of the engineering
profession; in fact, it is the theme of this
issue of The Voice.

The engineering community has made notable strides in the past decade to increase both
diversity and equity within the profession. The definition of diversity has broadened,
and initiatives are beginning to address the needs of a wider range of underrepresented
groups. But the fact is, difficult conversations about the importance of diversity and
equity are still necessary. This shows that there is much more progress to be made. The
key is to remember that actions speak louder than words.
It is one thing to talk about the need for diversity and equity; the challenge comes
when we try to implement inclusion and equity. To innovate and thrive, the engineering
profession must go beyond 'simple recognition' to 'actively incorporating' different
frames of thought - and most importantly, to ensuring that these many perspectives
have equal weight at the table. This will take time, energy and effort.
Moving the dial on the participation and retention of underrepresented groups in
engineering may seem like an overwhelming task, but I believe no profession is better
suited to embrace the ideals of diversity than engineering. Not only does the profession
have diverse fields of practice, but diversity is inherent in the engineering mindset itself.
Engineers have a unique ability to examine problems from a variety of angles, and then
to develop solutions that embody whole systems thinking. Engineers are practising
diversity of thought in their own work every day.
As OSPE members, you are prime examples of forward thinkers. You recognize
how you can strengthen the profession by contributing your voice and expertise to the
broader community. You understand that the engineering profession requires many
unique perspectives. Perspectives that reflect the needs of the very public that engineers
have taken an oath to serve, guide and protect. If engineers are ethically bound to uphold
the public interest, then isn't it important to include the interests of the entire public?
The interests of those from all walks of life, regardless of race, gender, colour or creed?
A recent article in Science magazine explains that Artificial Intelligence (AI)
programs, intended to circumvent human error and prejudice, are beginning to exhibit
signs of gender and racial bias as an inherent consequence of human-written codes.
Algorithms glean the meaning of words from content we produce, thereby picking up
implicit stereotypes that, for example, associate certain occupations with males and
others with females.
This is only one example of why OSPE and the engineering profession need your
help. As the voice of Ontario's engineers, OSPE is committed to be the voice of the entire
engineering community. The challenge is that many do not recognize what it means
to be a "complete engineer." It means not only meeting the highest ethical standards
through licensure, but also sharing their professional expertise with their advocacy
body and helping to create sound public policy.
If we want talented individuals to choose and invest in the engineering profession,
the engineering community needs to reach out to and invest in those individuals. OSPE
has the tools in place to help you do that, but we need our members to lead the way.
As we move into 2018, I urge each of you to encourage your colleagues to join us and
support OSPE. You can be the leaders who turn their words into action.

MEssaGE fRoM YouR
chIEf ExEcutIvE offIcER

It is one thing to talk about
the need for diversity and
equity; the challenge comes
when we try to implement
inclusion and equity.

Sandro Perruzza
Chief exeCutive OffiCer, OsPe

December 2017




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of OSPE - The Voice - December 2017

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - Cover1
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - Cover2
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - Table of Contents
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 4
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 5
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 6
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 7
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 8
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 9
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 10
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 11
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 12
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 13
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 14
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 15
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 16
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 17
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 18
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 19
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 20
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 21
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 22
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 23
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 24
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 25
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 26
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 27
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 28
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 29
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 30
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 31
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 32
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 33
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 34
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 35
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 36
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 37
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - 38
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - Cover3
OSPE - The Voice - December 2017 - Cover4