OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 38

student spotlight and electricity consumption, while surveying ways to improve the long-term efficiency of the building in terms of energy and water usage. "All of these experiences have helped reaffirm that my long-term goal is to become an engineering consultant, specializing in structural restoration and high performance building design," said Lipohar. "I wouldn't call myself an entrepreneur yet, but I'd like to say that I'm investing in my entrepreneurial future. I'd like to do a master's in the near future and I'm interested in taking advantage of the courses and resources offered through Bentall Kennedy." Bentall Kennedy takes an "entrepreneurial business approach" investing in a robust strategic employee development program to help its employees define their career aspirations, while connecting them with the external and internal training opportunities they need to achieve their goals. In 2014, the company invested $584,000 in employee education through external seminars and courses, and an additional $480,000 on employee conference attendance. "Regardless of where I decide to take my career, I think it's TMIG IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE ACQUISITION OF: Dionne Bacchus and Associates Consulting Engineers Ltd. TMIG is at the forefront of innovation and a key contributor to the evolution of infrastructure technologies within the GTA and beyond. Dionne Bacchus and Associates Consulting Engineers Ltd. will allow TMIG to expand our services into the areas of Transportation Planning and Transportation Engineering, as well as establish a Durham-based TMIG office in Whitby, Ontario. Through this acquisition, senior specialists, Dale Dionne and Jim Bacchus, along with their highly knowledgeable and professional staff, will be joining the TMIG team. Dale Dionne, P.ENG., MBA, PMP Jim Bacchus, B.A., MITE DIRECTOR OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION SERVICES T H E M U N I C I PA L I N F R A S T RUC T U R E G ROU P LT D. 38 The VOICe September 2016 tmig.ca Jake Lipohar (second from left) pictured with his fourth year project team on their presentation day important that I understand best practices for taking a concept from the early stages of ideation to success on the market," said Lipohar. Lipohar has attended training sessions, workshops and conferences offered through OSPE to hone his leadership skills, familiarize himself with the licensure process and to build a network of engineering and entrepreneurial mentors. "Even if a student has never considered becoming an entrepreneur, I think it's important that universities and colleges expose students to an entrepreneurial environment. This type of trend-conscious thinking can help engineering students better identify critical societal problems and consumer needs in any work they're doing. Students also need to know they don't have to work for a large company to be successful. You can find solutions to problems on your own too. Engineers can bring a different type of needs-focused creativity to marketing strategies and introduce a fresh perspective," said Lipohar. Lipohar largely attributes who he is as a person and as a burgeoning professional to his active involvement in a variety of voluntary societies and engineering associations. Lipohar was a frosh volunteer, vice-president of Carleton University's Student Engineering Society, the lead on Carleton's Movember fundraiser and the President of the Engineering Student Societies' Council of Ontario (ESSCO). "I always encourage fellow engineering grads to get involved in something that's bigger than themselves and to brave unfamiliar territory, whether it's starting a new business or getting involved in advocacy. The marketplace and the political process are both set up for us to contribute, and if we don't, we risk losing credibility as engineers in a society that relies on our solutions." http://www.tmig.ca

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of OSPE - The Voice - September 2016

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - Cover1
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - Cover2
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - Table of Contents
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 4
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 5
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 6
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 7
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 8
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 9
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 10
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 11
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 12
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 13
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 14
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - 15
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OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - Cover3
OSPE - The Voice - September 2016 - Cover4