Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2010 - (Page 1)

12 COVER STORY Ryerson University’s Alumni magazine is published twice a year for alumni and friends by the Office of University Advancement. Reproduction, republication or distribution of content and photographs is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of the Editor. Vice-president: Adam B. Kahan executive editor: Bruce Piercey editor: Colleen Mellor associate editor: Andy Lee Design: Wendy Schroder photography: Dario Ruberto, Dave Upham © 2010 Ryerson University ISSN: 1713-627X, Published June 2010 Contact: Alumni magazine Office of University Advancement Ryerson University 350 Victoria St., Toronto, ON CANADA M5B 2K3 phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 7000 Fax: 416-979-5166 email: ryemag@ryerson.ca Web: ryerson.ca/alumni/magazine member: Council of Ontario Universities (COU), Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), and Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) publications agreement number: 40065112 privacy policy: Ryerson University respects your privacy. on graduation, Ryerson will continue to hold your contact and certain other information so that we can contact alumni from time to time to offer the benefits of our affinity programs, to provide information about social, career and educational programs, to allow alumni to keep current on university developments, alumni associations, events and programs and Alumni Achievement Awards, and to facilitate alumni participation in Ryerson University alumni activities. Ryerson discloses your personal contact information to outside organizations or agencies, such as mailing houses or telephone services, to enable them to contact alumni on behalf of Ryerson and its affinity partners but ensures it has entered into confidentiality agreements with those outside organizations so that alumni personal information is kept confidential. ryerson does not rent, trade or sell its mailing or telephone lists. The university periodically contacts alumni by phone or mail about affinity programs and/or fundraising initiatives. If you would like us to refrain from contacting you and/or discontinue your free subscription to the magazine, please e-mail aluminfo@ryerson.ca or call 1-866-428-8881. Also see “Privacy of Personal Information”: ryerson.ca/studentguide/Introduction2.html 1 Science revolution Science is on a roll at Ryerson, with students, researchers and alumni tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges By Dan Falk, Journalism ’92 on THe coveR: A computer-generated image of DnA (deoxyribonucleic acid). pASIeKA/Spl/Getty Images TAble of conTenTS Features 18 High fliers Angel investors contribute funds and expertise to help young entrepreneurs soar By abigail Cukier, Journalism ’99 summer 2010 26 Serious games Researcher Richard Lachman shows gamers learning can be as fun as shooting aliens By Sharon Aschaiek 30 I n m y o pI n I o n A report card for early learning plan ECE alumna Trish Hunt believes more input from families and community is needed for plan to succeed By trish Hunt, eCe ’90, eCs ’08 (ma) Departments 3 President’s Message 4 What’s New 11 Ryerson People in the News 21 22 32 36 44 Board Profile Alumni Profiles VP Viewpoint /Alumni Diary AlumNews Remember When? 6 22 33 41 http://www.ryerson.ca/alumni/magazine http://ryerson.ca/studentguide/Introduction2.html

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2010

Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2010
President's Message
What's New
Ryerson People in the News
Science Revolution
High Fliers
Board Profiles
Serious Games
A Report Card for Early Learning Plan
VP Viewpoint/Alumni Diary
Remember When?

Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2010
